Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

Hi Readers!

I know such a formal greeting. But I had to come on and address Valentines Day. So confession time, I did not have a Valentine or any semblance of a Valentine Day date. Pause~ Never mind that this is the first time in TEN YEARS I have not had a date or anything on Valentine's complete culture shock for me. Play~ So yes, I woke up on the fateful day and was surprisingly so happy! I def loved all the love that I had received from my friends and family. Especially since this is the first time since the break up with "man," Fine Man and Ruckfield that I am COMPLETELY AND 100% HAPPY with being single.

Then y'all it happened. I got the email/call that changed the day at 7PM EST. Someone I know had gotten engaged. Pause~ Disclaimer: I had received news of two other couples I knew had gotten engaged. Both couples I had introduced the people. So it was nice to see that come to fruition for them. Again a happy day. Play~ So yes Elizabeth Taylor calls and tells me that this woman had gotten engaged. Ok now...I don't know why this bothered me but I really posed the question "How does love come so easily to some women?"

Like I literally thought about it and spoke to dear friends and my sister about how I could improve my "love karma." Have I truly messed it up? Is there no way that it can come together? Well in asking those questions, I wrote in my journal this morning about what I should do next. So now I'm completely committed to making this happen. Pause~ This declaration by no measure is me asking for a relationship or man or anything close to that. This is me asking for some clarity around what I'm putting out to the universe in terms of love. Play~ So everyone get ready for this journey!

In other news, so update on my health. Well we received information that I will have to up all of my cancer meds and make sure to get into the doctor more often. Well at this time, I have decided that I am going to take a short sabbatical from the whole cancer thing for a while. As a survivor/patient, I am fatigued with all the talk and treatment. I really want to get back to the goals I set for myself in 2012.

Truly, I can say without a doubt that this journey that I am on is not easy (BY ANY MEANS) but it has provided me with a new sense of self. I am so dedicated to change and growth. It is making me a better friend, sister, daughter, partner and overall person.

I hope you guys are as excited as I am!

Annie P