Saturday, May 25, 2013

Post Surgery

So for those who are wondering how I'm looking post surgery here's a terrible shot to give you an idea. Lol 

Well world I DID IT! Old boobs boobs in. So I wanted to take this post to share some observations. 

1. I am way more mobile than I thought I would be! Now don't get me wrong it's tiring but I'm up and walking around. I've even shocked most of my family and friends with how mobile and upbeat I am. Pause~ In real life once the doctor told me I could move around my mind went into "heal mode" so I've been super alert. Play~

2. Pain is inevitable. Now even though I'm walking I'm definitely still in pain. It's more pressure and discomfort but there's definitely pain associated. 

3. This journey is definitely MY OWN! For weeks prior to my surgery I had begged and pleaded with other survivors from my support group to tell me about their mastectomies and no one would. And now I understand why. It's truly your own journey. Like I'm in pain but not severe pain (thank goodness). I'm mobile but still sore all over. I'm walking but def short of breath. So that's def something to take note of. 

4. Support is way key! My support system has been SOLID AND AMAZING! Between my awesome family and beautiful friends I could NOT have made it this far. From visits, to meals, to flowers, to laying in bed with me this has been truly a system that has raised me so high above cancer that I have to LOOK DOWN to see the sadness I endured before. 

5. My parents will always struggle to speak about this. The P's are amazing! Lets start there. But I know there's a lot of guilt and sadness there. They still can not speak directly to me about this BUT I do see them reaching outwards for support. So I am accepting that. 



FITNESS COMPETITION IS IN THE FUTURE ! I have never ever felt more motivated than at this very moment to command this goal. It's coming, I'm doing this and  dedicated. Ready or not world it's happening.