Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Capturing the moment

So one of my friends suggested I write this post right now as I am still fresh off the news that...


So weird to even see the words written on the screen and know that its related to me! Well let me set the scene for you all. Pause~ I know y'all love me to set a scene. Play~ 

I wake up feeling noticeable good and get dressed for work. Huff it to the train (since I cant exercise just yet) and then start listening to my iPod and reading my newest love Milan Kundera's "Unbearable Lightness of Being." Run off the train to work (because naturally I'm 3 minutes late) and then get up to my desk and my phone is ringing. Pick it up and here's the conversation.

Me: This is Annmarie

Dr. D: Hi Miss Payne. How are you feeling today?

Me: Dr. D. I'm ok today. Not as much soreness and the swelling is going down. What can I do you for?

Dr. D.: Well we tested your tissues twice and your last ultrasound and you are 100% free.


Dr. D.: Yes! Believe it Annmarie. We are still going to have to do your follow up on June 11th for [insert medical jargon] and you will have your six month check up in November. But I wanted to let you know immediately.

Me: Dr. D. I don't even know what to say. Thank you!

Dr. D.: You are most welcome. Take it easy and call me if you need anything.

Me: Totally.

- sinks in office chair and stares at the screen -

In this moment I have so many emotions. Shock, disbelief, extreme joy, elation, relief and those are just to name a few. But the two words that come to mind are

THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone who has been there and helped me. So many to thank. So many to reach out to.

But the one thing I will say is that believe in God, trust in yourself and stay as strong as you can!

Annie P!