Saturday, October 12, 2013

Relationships? Love?

Just to catch you all up quickly before I dive into the topic...

- To date I have logged ~10,000 travel miles
- Seen 16 cities (some in duplicate)
- Lost a very dear friend to me from my support group
- Lost 6 more pounds
- Did a 175lb dead lift (whoop)
- Shaved one whole minute from my mile time
- Found a totally new friendship with my oldest friend in life

Pause~ These are major updates I know. But not the things actively on my mind. Play~ 

However, this morning I am grappling with the idea of this relationship I am in. Pause~ Since my last post about this love affair I have since taken the plunge and can say I am in full love with this man. Play~ We are separated due to extenuating circumstances at the moment and you guys this shit is HARD! As a short history lesson, I did long distance and separation with "man" back in the day. And there were two things I took from that experience. 

1. I would never do it again
2. If I had to do it again I would have to find peace and love in other areas

So here I a semi-long distance scenario with a man that I am in love with and I am drowning. Pause~ Just to clarify, we are doing everything in our power to make this work. Its definitely a two way street. Play~ But I'm drowning in the world of how do I keep his up? How do I make sure that everyone is happy? 

And to add to it all, in the midst of this aggressive travel schedule I am meeting those suitors who are so relentless. So. Relentless. Ironically, I guest blogged on one of my favorite women's site and it turned into a testimony of "the power of no." Pause~ That post speaks to all the beautiful women I know that can not go outside without a man trying to be in her face. PUH! Play~ And I go into an airport scenario where I am sitting waiting for my flight waiting on a call (well more like hoping for a call) from the love in my life. And while at the airport bar with a glass of wine and a man sits next to me and asks me if he could join me. Pause~ This is not an unusual occurrence for me in any airport. I am a female business traveler and I'm not afraid to admit I am attractive. Play~ 

Anyway, while we are introducing ourselves I immediately open with "My name is...and I have a boyfriend that I love." And he responds with, "Well that's nice but your boyfriend is a fool to let a beautiful woman like you travel alone." For the sake of entertainment and a two hour delay, I continued this conversation. And just as this man started to proposition me to meet him in my next city my darling pops up on my iPhone screen. Pause~ Talk about perfect timing. Play~ In the end, I said no to this gentleman at the bar and as we were parting he says "You must love this man. So tell him I said he's a lucky guy." And I responded with a smile and said "Yup and make sure you take your wedding ring out of your pocket and put it on before your next city." Pause~ I'm not new to this travel game. I can spot a missing ring from a left hand without pause. Play~ 

But those words "You must love this man" have stuck with me. Have I finally fallen in real love again? Its odd. I mean I am taking this one day at a time. And who is to say this will last forever. In real life it could end tomorrow. But its a space I haven't been in in a long time. I'm enjoying it though.

So here's to love and distance,
Annie P