Thursday, July 31, 2014

What Is A Leader?

Recently I have had a series of blessings come to me. One in the form of solidified friendships. Another in a month of self reflection and last in a new position.

Within the past couple of months I've learned a great deal about blessings and perseverance. However within my new position, I had the unique opportunity to sit down with my CEO. Pause~ I work for a pretty liquid company. So speaking with this man was pretty amazing. Play~ As with any prominent person I poised up and made sure to have questions ready. And post hearing this man tell me about his past and where he sees his future the only question that seemed relevant was "What does it take to be an effective leader?" Pause~ I know many of you can attest to knowing that I am a ball of power and freeness. But the word "leader" can mean so many things. Play~
Well in that moment he completely pause and leaned back in his chair. But not a pause that meant "let me think;" it was a pause that brought a profound silence, almost zen-like, as if he had been waiting to answer this question his whole career. And the answer that did come was something I felt the need to share below.

"A leader must have a following. Do we agree on that? [insert my agreeing head nod] So in order to have a true following there are four principles a leader should have to develop a following. 

1. Develop expertise in your field and learn how to make it better
2. Be empathetic to people
3. Have a vision -- where are you headed?
4. Show certain amount of fortitude 

Understanding these principles is what makes a true leader." 

When he finished I repeated his four pieces and thanked him. As I walked out the meeting I sent my thank you note. And when he answered he said "leadership quality number one achieved." Pause~ big ups to me!!!! Play~

In the end, I wanted to post this because I think that leadership is truly a sense of understanding. Everyone may not see where you are going BUT they usually respect your willingness. And although I get tons of props and praises for surviving and persevering I think that I will make goals to be a better leader. Fortitude can only take me but so far. I want love and expertise to take me the rest of the way. 

Until next time!