Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Think Im Working Too Much

So I think Im working too hard or am over worked. Pause~ Is there a difference? Play~ I mean I know that in the real world you have to work to pay bills and live overall but I think I am taking it to the next level. For instance, for the past three months, I have worked late and every weekend. I mean I am used to this usual recruiter grind where you work and travel and fit fun in between. However, this week I am especially drained and not happy. I am literally having a hard time deciding to when to do simple things like sleep!

I could bring this to my boss but I think he is in this "nonprofit" grind mode where he thinks that this is temporary. But in real life its not! I am overworked. Like seriously overworked. I make the necessary decisions like leaving work at 6pm but then I go home and am working until 3am and then up again at 6am to catching those last minute questions from whoever. Pause~ By no means am I comparing myself to other folks that have way harder jobs like attorneys who work like crazy. Nor am I or will I complain about the amount of money because I can live and survive on what I make. Play~ This is getting out of control. And whats really crazy is that when I left my old job and came here I made a solemn promise that I would set boundaries....SERIOUS BOUNDARIES! But here I am, overworked and really not happy with how I have let this job take over my whole life. Ugh there has to be something!!!!

Frustrated, stressed and tired,
Annie P


  1. This came just in time as I my body is responding terribly to being overworked although by choice. More Spa days and days of relaxtion maybe my cure.

  2. WE MUST set boundaries and find time for our bodies to relax and rejuvenate its self or they will definitely let us know
