Thursday, July 28, 2011

It Rained

Helloooooo all!

It has been a long long time since I have posted something. So this post will serve as an update to you all about what is/has been going on. Pause~ Bullet points are the best way to get this post completed. Also, this is the best method to put seven drafted posts into one. Play~

  • Work: Going great for the most part. Have a lot of work to do but things will slow down Pause~ we will get to why in a second Play~ I started to have a better relationship with my manager who I thought at first was maniacal and a little too nutty for me. So now that we can have candid conversations about personal and work items things are getting pleasantly better. So as the days progress it is becoming more and more clear that I made the correct "leap" when coming to this new position.
  • Life: Well that is another story. So I am going to give you all the breakdown in each department.
    • Health: A gamble right now. Something has come up that has forced me to slow myself down substantially. I'm ok for the most part but there are things I need to take into account and in addressing my mortality there are a great deal of things that I love to do that have had to fall to the way side.
    • Dating: Well that is on hold as well. However, if you were to speak to my friend Vexy she would have something different to say. Pause~ Isn't it interesting when you make a declaration that you are not interested in anything you are suddenly approached with some appetizing proposals? hmm Play~ So that's that. Fine Man and I are still talking. He is working all the time so that leaves little time for play; but we are trying to be patient with one another. I will say through the "health issue" above he has tried to play the supportive role which has been interesting to watch. Pause~ Interesting because he knows we are not an item but is still trying to "be there" without being overbearing. I want to see how much longer its going to last. Play~ So that's that on that.
    • Family: GREAT! My family is awesome!
    • Friends: Hmm...where do I begin. So my friends are amazing. And I know its easy to say since everyone thinks their friends are amazing but my circle is truly amazing. However, in all of the fabulousness that is my friends there is always one ugly duckling that manages to show its true face. Pause~ That's a post for later on today. Play~ So in excising that person, we have now come through with clearer outlooks.
  • Love: There is a new love in my life. No its not a man or a pet. I haven't been able to articulate it as yet but its there. Pause~ Has that ever happened to one of you? Knowing there is something that makes you pleasant in the morning but you cant quite put your finger on it? Weird! Play~
In the end, no matter what the issue or trouble I am still making it as we all are. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other.

Annie P


  1. My excited face will begin at 10pm tonight and be on for a full 24 hrs. Can't wait for you to get here!

  2. girl yes we are going to have a time
