Friday, September 7, 2012

Testimony Time

Hey world!

Its been a while I know. There has been a new change in the life of Annie P. Pause~ Nothing to do with a man or kids (sorry mom). Play~ I am no longer a part of the financial industry and back in the nonprofit world. Pause~ For those of you that know the difference, you know that this is a healthy and substantial life change. Play~

Anyway that work change has been cool and I am having a great time getting my strategic and creative juices flowing. And whats cool about this, is that inspiration comes from everywhere. For instance, one of my initiatives was born off of a NYT article about an ad company giving their employees "space" for any type of creativity that related to the company. Pause~ In being totally random, it always great to read and relate back to my life. Play~ So that has been cool.

But here is the testimony!


I was on gchat with a friend of mine that we shall name "Life Yoda" Pause~ There are some people in your life that just have some sort of intuitiveness that you cant ever replace. This is Life Yoda (LF). She is so damn intuitive about life and issues. Always can break it down and shine light. And over the years I find her outlook totally invaluable. Play~ So we were talking about difficult friendships and I posed the following question.

Is a friendship with boundaries really a true friendship?

The reason I asked this question is because I believe myself to be a good friend/sister/daughter/cousin/mentee/mentor. Pause~ Lets be clear that the word "good" is totally objective to who/what you are talking about; but follow me. Play~ So when I think of my friendships I want them to be as pure as possible. Meaning we can have NO boundaries and talk about everything. Now don't get me wrong, I speak with my circle about everything. BUT its interesting to understand that out of those that I call close friends 2 or 3 have boundaries where I have to remember to stop myself on certain topics. Its weird. Pause~ I know that some may read this and say "that's why I have one bff" but I'm posing this in terms of your friendships overall. Play~

So I'm putting this out to the blog universe. What say you?

Annie P

1 comment:

  1. I say...

    What you call "boundaries" I call "personality". Stopping from saying something doesn't take away from your relationship, it confirms how well you know the friend in question. As much as you love your friends and trust them, they all have their strengths and weaknesses, part of being a good friend is recognizing that and using that information to strengthened your friendship.
    But everything I just said flies out the window if TRUST is an issue. If TRUST is an issue then the friendship needs to be reevaluated and both parties need to assess the importance/value of that friendship...

    Yours Truly,

    Annie P. :)
