Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Taking Me Time

Morning readers.

So I come to you all with a new sense of purpose today. I had a great night/morning. I've started a longer hair journey post seeing my moms long hair when she was younger. Pause~ Mrs. P was a fancy little thing when she was younger. Homemade polka dot dresses and glasses. She was a boss. Play~ And so I have decided to get longer hair. So with the help of my new hair dresser and some tips I know about doing my hair I am on the way. So last night was a major success in that department.

Other than that I have been exercising as well. So Miss P was diagnosed with high cholesterol. In an effort to not take any medication I'm making sure to exercise and watch my diet. Pause~ I have been doing these things BUT once I gave up meat because of cancer, I started to eat more cheese etc. Which as we all know his high in salt. Play~ So my exercise regimen has def left me feeling more energized etc.

But the reason for this post has more to do with me taking some Annie P time. I didn't realize how much I had been cheating myself until the past three weeks. Once I made this decision to get more me time in its been a saving grace. Getting up a little early to exercise, cook breakfast and just sit. This morning, I was fortunate to get in a 35 minute conversation with my mom. Pause~ My mom is a celebrity apparently. I can never get her on the phone in the evening. So we have resorted to morning phone calls since she is West Indian and is up at 5AM. Play~ It was truly a great time. We talked, laughed and caught up and I revealed that I had a lot of her possessions (ugh by accident). LOL.

So in the end, I implore you all to take some time for you! However you can! Mornings can be excessive for most but at least take an hour in the evening to really get into it. Its def a process.

Have a wonderful day darlings!

Annie P

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