Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Really Good Reads

I have been very fortunate lately to come across some amazing reads. But in general I'm completely obsessed with Patti Smith's "Just Kids" book. The book documents her and Robert Mapplethorpe's love affair and artistic romance in the late 60's through 1989 when he dies.

What makes this my new favorite read of 2012 is that Pattie or P.Smi as I have dubbed her takes you on a poetic journey through her development as an artist through the eyes of love. Pause~ Deep right? I know. And I made that up all by myself! Play~ Now what makes this book amazing is that I can see a lot of my life through the eyes of 23 year old P.Smi. She speaks of love and loss of friends and things.

With this in mind I made a solid list of things that I've both loved and loss on the bus this morning.

Love: people, men, art, painting, cloudy days, Starbucks coffee, dancing, music, expression, passion, unknown, dreaming, working, the feeling of exhaustion, exercise, hair -- long hair, pink, cobalt blue, white girls, love, trees, sunshine, beaches, bus rides, long conversations, family, clutter, comforters and life

Loss: friends, home, money, sleep, men, love, inspiration, zest, therapy, memory, fashion, fucks to give, food, mind space, costumes, understanding, empathy, sex, zest for sex, friendliness, concentration, grandmothers, green spaces, health, creativity, water, vitamins, magazines, political savvy, direction (jeez) and life

Now in no way am I depressed but it was so cool to see what came down on paper. I don't know if it was P.Smi or just my overall feelings but it was nice to review just now. From this list there are tons of things that I desperately want back! Pause~ There are things are more pertinent than others that I realized was gone. Play~ And whats more frightening is that I don't know how I am going to get them back. And in true Annie P form I have no quote to guide the way. But there is some sort of comfort in being lost in the journey. Make sense?

Anyway...today is full of promise. Pause~ I haven't felt this hopeful in a while! Play~ So I implore those who have the time pick up the book.

Annie P

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