Friday, March 8, 2013

Revisiting Things I Must Get Done

Hey world!

Firstly, thank you for the tremendous feedback from the post I put up yesterday! I really wrote that as a letter to myself to immortalize that moment in time. Pause~ Sometimes I can get so wrapped up in sensations and all that; that I lose sight of recording that moment. Play~ So its been awesome to see the overwhelming responses via phone, twitter, the comments and email! I am truly appreciative of this network.

Now on to business....

A while back I wrote a piece called "Things I Must Get Done" and the deadline for all things was December 2012. So lets see what has happened thus far.

To Do
Sell a painting I created.
Join a dance class.
Night out with my fav ladies (like all night!) Times 1,000
Get drunk - wasted. Ugh too many times
Color my hair. Times 3
Learn how to make awesome coffee.
Join yoga/pilates classes.
Take the train more
Have my own library.
Picnic by the riverside.
Spend one day lying in bed and not feel guilty about it. Just do nothing but read great books. Laze about. Ok, cut out the books too. Just be so lazy that laziness gets an entirely new definition. Times one million
Meet Carla Harris Totally Awesome Lady
White water rafting.
Go on a photo-vacation.
Dance in the rain - done that - wanna do again. And did it in the snow too
Get a fabulous job
Master one dish which will be handed down generations
Get one step closer to being Oprah
Scuba diving / snorkeling.
Get over my fear(s).
Relearn maths.
Dance on top of a table. In heels.
Hire a decorator

So maybe all of it didnt get done...but we have progress!

Hope your lists are coming true! 

Annie P

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