Thursday, November 18, 2010

Anger Is Easy

For love number four I think I will go with the phrase "Anger is Easy." Now I know you may be thinking that I am out of my mind because this is not a true "love." However, I beg to differ and will explain my reasoning as always.

So there is a GREAT artist by the name of Cbabi which is an acronym for 'Creative Black Artist Battling Ignorance.' He is known for his awesome caricature pictures that eventually grew to be on album covers and notable publications. However, there is one drawing that I have always kept very very close to me posted below.

This picture, affectionately named "Bluesman II" was presented to me at a showcase in DUMBO back when I was in high school. And the artist that presented it with his collection said this picture inspired him because it reminded him that his craft should be cherished and not pressured. And for some reason those words and remarkably this print have been in my wallet and with me always for over XX years.

Unfortunately, as much as I try to keep in mind that my craft is my gift, my love and my everything; some weeks (like this week) have been soooo trying! Not only has work been picking up [evaluation season] but the photography side has been daunting. For instance, I took over 300 shots the other day, uploaded them for my future showcase and of course with my luck the pictures are NO GOOD! All have an incredible shine that makes the four hours of shooting no good. Things like this make me ANGRY and not just regular ANGRY but like FLAMING ANGRY! So at that point of no return, I quickly slapped my laptop closed and went to bed.

Though the next day, as I woke up to meditate and do my morning rituals I began to laugh. And the first thing I said to myself in the mirror was "Girl anger is easy you need to feel and be hurt to move on." I couldn't believe that it was so easy for me to recognize my own childish behavior so quickly! It was one of those prolific moments where you realize that you are able to remedy your own self.
So I dedicate this post to Cbabi and that wonderful artist from XXXX year in my life. If not for wise words and some semblance of sanity I do not think I could have reached that moment.

Lesson: Anger is easy! Feel, hurt, resolve and move forth!

Until next week...keep dreaming!
A Calmer Girl & Her Cbabi Piece


  1. I absolutely love your blog Ms. Payne, please keep it up, i will make it my business to be an avid reader & hopefully in the process, I can find my way in this thing we call life!

  2. OMG! Annie... I also absolutely love this post. You hit it on the nail for me. Its like you took the words right out of my mouth...I have found myself angrier than I have ever been in these past few months for one reason or another. But I have realized to go "through" it instead of being stuck! I love your blog. Girl, you are definitely talented. Keep doing you! I am and will always be a fan!

  3. Feel, Hurt, Resolve, and move forth...
    Wise words that seem to evade me. The post made me realize how very little of that I do! I get very "Flaming Angry" at myself for allowing others to AFFECT me in any way that I almost always forget to FEEL, HURT before I resolve and move forth. Never occured to me that I get angry because it's easier than feeling and hurting!!!
