Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Files OPEN!

As per my daily routine, I walk into work (well rather skulk into work) and sit down at my desk in my office and turn on the computer. Now to some that seems like a likely task; however, I usually line myself up with my online daily social networkie things that I do. And every morning there is one person I look forward to speaking to.

We sit on the gchat (our new form of socializing) and talk about everything from life, to love, to making sense, to business. And on Monday (11/7) she made me think of one thing:

- What does it mean to be a woman?

Now I know this topic seems vague and o-so cliche; however, until hearing her address me as such I never considered myself to be a "woman." You see I am one of those people who has let the West Indian effect* {*Definition: West Indian Effect: Coconut tales that haunt you for the rest of your life! take hold.}

So anyway as I was saying, the West Indian effect kicks in, in which I proclaim myself as a "young lady" NOT  a woman. However, when I was riding the Q train home (BIG UP FLATBUSH) from work I realized that I was a woman. I pay bills, live on my own, have my own business and a thriving career. Hmm woman maybe she's right. 

LEAP OF FAITH TIMEI am challenge myself to expose not only what truly makes me a woman BUT what makes me happiest along the way. 

So I wanted to start this off by showing you one of my true first loves:  PHOTOGRAPHY


But really...I LOVE this craft and Im ready to tell you how it happened. 

So when I was 11 years old, I got in a terrible car accident with my mom. Her little car got slammed from the drivers side by a yellow cab driver that fell asleep at the wheel. So long story short after months of recovery and missed school, my parents decided to get me a cheap camera to build some confidence. Well little did they know that this was the wrong thing to do. One week in school and I had acrued over $150 in film development. Needless to say, my mom wasnt too excited but my dad did the smart thing...developed it and then bogged me down with MOUNTAINS of books on photography.

So now fast forward to the digital camera my first Cybershot and couldnt control myself. I started shooting EVERYTHING! Im talking catching sweatbeeds off a bottle. And thinking "Oh Annie how beautiful a sight this is!" As any fanatic, my passion grew bigger and more expensive. Now I created a small "boutique" passion that I call "Annie P Photography." So marvel at one of my fav photos below.

Shot 10/2010 in Miami. FL during one of my all time favorite parties called "Red Eye."

Its the lines and the contours and the overall beauty that draw me time and time again to this picture. Now even though, this causes some problems in my household (amongst the boo) I would LOVE to hang this up and keep it on the bookshelf as one of my favs.

In the end, this blog is really about my adventures and overall thoughts. I would love to get your feedback and also hear about the things you love! In the meantime, keep dreaming and loving your crafts whatever it may be

A Girl & Her Camera


  1. This picture speaks volumes. I love this story! Never put the camera down!!

  2. You make me miss my photography life.
