Monday, November 15, 2010

Sleeping With the Enemy

So I had to take some time this weekend to decide whether this post was appropriate due to the readership. However, in my "quest for all things woman" I have decided that I would be cheating myself by not posting what I need to say. So on to love number three....Acceptance of the uncontrollable things!

Recently, I had been plagued with two "tragedies" of some sorts in my personal life on every conceivable level. I had problems with my significant other and a "best friend" that really shook me to the core. {Sidebar: One thing I hope my readers learn about me is that I always profess myself as being as awesome as the people that are in my life.} Therefore, when two of the most important people in my social bubble took a serious plunge to nowhere it made me withdraw. Of course, like any human I definitely went into a day long depression in which I didn't leave the bed, prayed, ATE and searched deep deep within to see what I may have contributed to both scenarios.

Now not to dwell on the past, but this had to be the lowest point in my twenty-somethings. I had never realized how my cavalier attitude could affect those around me. I have always been caring (etc.) but to an extent I adopted a "don't care" attitude that is contagious amongst the P. family members. We live by the "go straight to your jugular" creed; meaning, if you are too sensitive to hear the truth then we do not need to be in each others presence.

However, once the smoke cleared and I was able to get up on that Sunday morning...I realized:

- Yes I have my faults, shoot everyone does, but what I can NOT do is control other people's crazy!

So I present to you all the following photo.
*Titled: Brooklyn Landscape 7/2008

As unbelievable as this sounds, I remember this day clearly. It was a Saturday and I was walking to the bus. And while walking, I had a great moment where I realized that everything I was setting out to do was getting accomplished. And I looked down this one street, I began to shed tears and decided to snap the picture. As I consider this one of my first official shots as a "photographer" this picture brings me back to a time when I just KNEW what I wanted and how I wanted it! And when I ran across this yesterday, I knew that there are always things you can control. Like this picture. I could control the stance, direction and location; but the variables (traffic, wind, people, etc.) are ever changing. So I guess my key takeaway, is that there will always be variables and not everyone (whether intimate partner or best friend) will be in your corner.

Therefore I present:

Personal Plan #1: NO MORE SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY! No more making excuses for those who wrong and/or hinder growth. We all need to get back to a place of clarity and take control.

So until next time lovebugs....
This Girl & Her Camera


  1. "Personal Plan #1: NO MORE SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY! No more making excuses for those who wrong and/or hinder growth. We all need to get back to a place of clarity and take control."

    This is everything. You hear me?

    We have to take control back... and no. more. making. excuses.

  2. You already know how i feel about this. You must confront issues as they happen or else you are giving allowance for them to occur again in the future. If you really care about those people you will help them serve as better friends or make a pathway for them to stage their exit.

  3. I love this blog! so many layers to u. it's amazing to read your thoughts and your journey to being your best u! I'm intrigued.
