Sunday, January 9, 2011

Finding Faith

Today I'm veering off track a bit to speak about finding my own faith. So please bear with me on this flow of words. Love today: Understanding a path is set....God has the wheel and I am the passenger.

In the past year (2010), I made it my personal goal to be"saved" and/or become a better Christian. However, on my journey to becoming closer with God I realized that the idea of being saved has nothing to do with going to church every Sunday or tithing or not partying or not cursing. The idea of being saved in my definition is to become one with God and identifying Him as the Father! [Stepping down off soap box now]
So in 2011, now that I have identified where I am spiritually, I have come to realize that worship of the Lord can happen anywhere and being open minded and on a never ending path to learn is the quintessential part of being a disciple of God. So today I present a picture I love......

Picture: Black Boys Ga lour
Taken: August 2009

When I took this picture I was attending the BAM street fair and came across my nephew and his friends. Now this in no way was any type of religious experience BUT it did manifest today that a stress free life comes to those who TRUST in something or someone larger than them. In this case, my nephew and his friends sit with not a care in the world because they trusted in their parents to keep them safe and fed and happy. And when I think about this it comes full circle that in order for me to have a stress free life I have to let go and TRUST that God will take the wheel! For anyone that has come to that realization it is a truly POWERFUL moment.

Although this post went in another direction, I am proud to say that I am a bit more contented that I was a year ago. I now feel my own personal connection to the Lord in that I have a personal relationship could not achieve a year ago. The overall is to love and continue to believe the path has been set! There will always be bumps and hiccups and moments of failure BUT God will always throw in a cup of mercy, a dash of faith and three pounds of love to back you up always!

So I hope on this Sunday or any day this week, you all have had a moment to yourself to connect with God or whatever deity you pray to.

Love and Blessings,
The Faithful Annie P

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