Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"I Can Not Be Destroyed"

So readers the best things happened to me today. And in an effort to keep things streamlined Pause~ not feeling to great Play~ please see the below bullets.

  • Read "New York" magazine today and there was a profile done on Martha Stewart and her "fall" post her insider trading fo-pah. Pause~ I'm still in disbelief that Martha aka the goddess of home goods could make such a poor decision about money. Play~ And throughout the profile, the writer exposes a woman that has made some terrible decisions but also believes 1000% in her brand and what it brings to the masses. At one point in the article, Martha is asked the question "What have you learned from this experience?" and her emphatic answer was "I can not be destroyed!" Upon reading that I literally paused on the train. What an epic answer! Through all her trials and tribulations, the one notion she came to was that she, Martha Stewart, recognizes her worth and refuses to be moved. So in that regard readers, I'm taking a piece from her wisdom and revitalizing myself.

  • While in court today Pause~ Don't ask Play~ I received an email from my awesome cousin from a blog she frequents called "The Daily Love." Pause~ Please subscribe to this blog. Its overall awesome! Nothing bad to say about Mastin and his words of wisdom. Play~ So this article was focused on how we, humans, date based upon current self esteem. And the overall take away was that if you do not know your worth then you will simultaneously date way outside of your realm because you think you cant do any better. Pause~ I know not like ground breaking BUT what are the chances that these two pieces of literature would land in my mailbox and my inbox on the same day. Play~ So upon reading Mastin's thoughts of course I reflected on my time with "man" and the ending. And I just decided I'm tired of the whole damn thing. I'm tired of the story, I'm tired of the break up, I'm tired of the questions and its just damn well time to move the hell on! UGH!
Well now that these two things have happened, I have catapulted myself into a three step process to better living overall.

1) Cleansing out the bad - A while ago I had "cleansed" the bad friendships out of my life. And in that regard I have been able to identify my good friends versus associates. However, as I tend to do normally, I forgot to purge bad relationships. Pause~ I know you all must be thinking what is the difference. But sad to say there is one. Bad friendships are those friends that you choose to cut off because they have piss poor judgement. But bad relationships tend to be those individuals you keep around because of comfort, love, lust and/or whatever other items. And I'm sad to say, but I still have some of those people around. Play~ So from this day forward its time to PURGE.

2) Getting my spirituality on - The funny thing about this bullet is that my relationship with God was never lost. However, I have begun to slack. And as things got "right" in my life I def figured "ok Annie P time to come up off this obsession and put our sites on something else." And while that was "okay" at the time, I definitely let it slide all the way off. Pause~ There have been drastic things happening in my life but I'm still a believer in "free will." Therefore, I have been willing myself to be better overall but haven't looked into my divine intervention. Overall, there is a difference with being grateful and making sure to thank the Creator all around. Play~ So on that regard, I have begun to fast. For those who do not know, August denotes Ra Madam in the Muslim culture. So along with one of my co-workers (who is Muslim) I am following the tradition and fasting. Pause~ I am not converting BUT I am taking heed to the prayer times and eating rituals. Play~ Overall, the experience is very powerful. As intelligent as I can be so wrapped up in life and my own problems that I have ignored the simple things necessary to survive. So this experience is making me very cognisant of that.

3) Getting it together - Well this is a no brainer. Its time for me to move forward with my career. Pause~ For those who do not know, I am a master at trying EVERYTHING. If its a game changer, I probably will invest myself into experiencing it. Play~ So on this regard, I have given myself six months to get things in shape. I need to make these applications/business moves/development opportunities happen. Its time to make sure that I have things in order. So that's that on that.

In the end readers, I know I make a great deal of proclamation on things that need to be done. However, the one thing I love about being human is that you can always re-invent yourself! And I'm not at a point of re-invention Pause~ I feel like that happened when I was serial dating ::shudders:: Play~ but rather I am at a point of refinement. So stick around for the journey. Its definitely going to be something worth reading about!

The new and improved...Annie P

PS. If anyone else wants to join in please do so! I would love to hear about your progress as well!

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