Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Letter to a Friend

As the year passes all of you have been on the journey with me via dates, break ups, triumphs, happy moments, loss and failure. However, what I have neglected to say through all of that is there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Pause~ There will be no “pause” and “plays” today. Play~

Over the course of the year, some of my closest friends have been put to the test as well. Whether it be sickness, loss of a job or love. However, on Monday I received the best news that came in the form of a phone call. At about 6PM, I received a call from one of my bests that stated they had received a DREAM of a job offer. And of course in true Annie P fashion, I immediately (well sort of) jumped up off the bed and screamed “CONGRATULATIONS.” Now what was odd about that one moment was that my friend was so overwhelmed by the news all he could say was “thank you.” For the fifteen minutes that followed, I sat on the phone explaining how it was “ok” to be overwhelmed. And he finally agreed and then…thanked…me! Such a surreal moment to sit on the phone with such an accomplished and strong man and he offer me a thank you for simply “being there.”

It’s such an amazing moment when you realize that one, you have amazing friends and two, they are humble to boot. Post that conversation, I found myself taking five minutes to sit in the living room and just…well…sit. I thought about a myriad of things – how grateful I am that the prayers and long talks have worked, how thankful I am to be fighting off whatever demons are coming at me and how awesome life is. And then, the weirdest thing happened, I started to feel overwhelmed myself. I sat there and didn’t know what to do next. All I felt was a wave of emotion but not for me…for my friend. He had quintessentially reached the “light” at the end of the tunnel. All those trials and tribulations, all the struggle had culminated to a wonderful double entendre of success and a sweet ending of struggle!

In all, I guess I realized that all the complaining I do is merely silly. It is simply my turn to struggle. This is my time to go through it all and then come out on the other side a winner. So to my GREAT friend CONGRATS AGAIN! And thank you for the wonderful knowledge you have impressed upon me. Nothing is too great…nothing is too much….the only thing that is left is strength!

Until next time,
Annie P


  1. What a sweet blog. That is correct we all have our timing to struggle and when we think we got it bad someone else is worse off. So definitely count your blessings and stay strong. and yes CONGRATS to your friend.. is he single??? lol.. j/k

  2. It really is surreal when you have those moments that put everything in perspective. And I love that you were able to get that perspective from another's success and really be happy for them. Love it!
