Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Feelings...New Projects

Good morning readers! I have been gone...I know. But I took a hiatus to come back positive and on track!

So there are some developments and some just overall improvements.

1. We are in full blown breast cancer remission! Last ultrasound was amazingly clear and I have been cleared
    to exercise. Pause~ We have some work ahead but its great for it to be gone! Play~
2. I have decided to write a "something" about my journey with cancer. Pause~ Although a blip through
    the blog, it has been a long process of everything you can think of. And although I may never
    publish it formally, I think I will pass it along for those who are interested to read. Play~
3. Me and Ruckfield are madly in love. He met the family on Thanksgiving. And it was nice for him
    to be there and interact. He generally had a good time and everyone seemed to like him. Elizabeth Taylor
    and her husband were not present but they usually don't care to meet people I'm dating anyway. Pause~
    Its a shock and a wonderful development. So Christmas here we come. Play~
4. Me and "man" have started to mend our friendship. Its been an interesting change. Pause~ Recently, it
    became clear that we are still amazing friends and we are trying to make that work. We are not
    hanging out everyday but we are making a conscious effort to be cordial. Play~
5. The P. family is alive and well!
6. Baking is in full swing! My first round of holiday cookies came out "yummy" according to my niece and

In the end, things are moving along. One of my favorite things about this time of year is that your bank account doesn't matter nor does the amount of things you have. But more so the family and friends you have around you.

Merry Christmas!
Annie P

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