Monday, October 17, 2011

5 Miles and Hundreds of Smiles Later

So this weekend was the Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk in Central Park. Based on my last post, you all can guess that I was there to take part. So the natural assumption was that I would have been at the forefront raising money and telling the world that I have breast cancer and am surviving. WRONG!

So like I noted in the last post, I have been very silent on the topic of cancer; specifically my battle with cancer. And when the walk came, I spoke with my support group members and they told me I should treat this as a "coming out" so to speak. Pause~ Love my support group! They are awesome women and incredibly strong. No offense to my dear dear friends. But you all have no idea what this is. For instance, if I tell a friend that I cant taste any food...they usually put on a face of pity. But I tell a woman from this group and she goes 'hey it will come and go.' In that one comment it lets me know that I am not alone and that someone else is going through what I've been through, Play~ So I formed a small team of 10 that dwindled to 6 and we met up on Sunday and walked.

The best part about Sunday, outside of seeing all the women and men walking for a cure, was seeing my friends walk a whole 5 miles starting at 9AM with smiles on their faces in support! That was a gift that keeps on giving. In addition to that, I received phone calls and text messages from those that know about my disgnosis letting me know that they were thinking of me. That was amazing as well! It all made things come full circle. The best way to describe it is like waking up from the best sleep you ever had. You are aware, thankful and just in awe of what has occurred. It was a divine day!

Based off of that amazing day and people's amazing commitment to my health, my goals for this week is as follows:

1) Complete preparation on my "I'm Fighting Cancer" party
2) Hand written cards to all those who have been there

More details on that as the week goes by!

Have a FANTABULOUS week all!

Annie P

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