Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New York Times & Annie P

This morning while sitting at work, I decided to read one my favorite newspapers online. Pause~ I love reading the newspaper! Its one of my not so secret loves. Play~ And as I was reading the New York Times online, thanks to Mr. P, I strolled into the Wedding Announcement section. Pause~ I'm usually not a fan of the wedding announcement section for the simple fact that for years the NYT was not publishing announcements regarding same sex unions. So I personally took it upon myself to miss out on the lovely stories. Play~ So as I was scanning I came across the following couple.

Meet Bill Bryan White and Joseph Bryan Eure. They are a NYC couple getting married in the Plaza Hotel restaurant in the upcoming weeks. And as I was reading their story of love and trust, there was a portion where they described how they met. These two wonderfully successful men met ONLINE! Pause~ I don't know why I was shocked. I mean I do but I don't. Play~ So they meet online and keep talking and meet and fall in love. A true fairytale.

So now here is the true question....are we not supposed to meet significant others organically anymore?

I mean that's a real life question! I know a myriad of people who have met the ones they love/dating online. And it seems like their love/like is real. I just wondered...how do you tell the ones around you about your chance meeting? Or do you not say anything at all? So weird. Pause~ These are the areas of grey that exist I guess for me. Play~

Anyway upon reaching the end of their announcement, Mr. White so eloquently said the following.

"Meeting Mr. Eure, he continued, 'made me realize that I wanted a quality, healthy, loving relationship — and that’s what I have with Bryan.'"

Man...that was deep! As a girl who now thinks that marriage is not for her, I wonder if I will ever get to that point. Is there a day that you wake up and the one you are with is the one you should be with? Anyone that follows this blog have an answer. Please feel free to chime on in!

Annie P

PS. For the full announcement please see the following link: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/23/fashion/weddings/bill-white-bryan-eure-weddings.html?ref=weddings

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