Monday, October 24, 2011

Countdown on the Week

So this week is going to be busy and somewhat exciting.

I have a busy week and not a great deal of time to get everything I need to get done accomplished. So here we are Monday afternoon and I have one thing complete. And soon to have one more done in a moment. But really, I am not excited at all. I want to be and as a matter of fact I NEED TO BE!

But in retrospect, I'm just tired. I spent the better parts of my weekend in a deep slumber. I did speak to some people, worked (A LOT) and tried to clean but really, I didn't do much of anything. And that has been the move for most of my weekends. I just have little to no motivation to do anything. Pause~ Of course some of my friends will drag me out here and there but trust serious thought goes along with such trips. Play~ In the end, I can blame it on a myriad of things but really its more so about being tired of everything. As of late, I feel like New York has become watered down to me. Like of course this is the "city that never sleeps" but really I haven't been that impressed with the happenings here.

Usually around this time, I would be planning big nights out on the town and plotting a great caper for the Christmas season. But for some reason, I feel like a Grinch. And not just any Grinch, but the Grinch who wants to be home alone with the TV and a nice cup of tea. That's it...nothing more...nothing less. Pause~ Many that I have told this have scolded me for "throwing in my youth" but really its not that. Everyone has a moment when they just want to SIT DOWN! Play~ So anyway readers, I hope that this ho-hum post hasn't dulled down your Monday.

But you know that's where I am!

Signing off,
The Grinch Annie P

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