Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday Tea Time

Good morning America! How are we today?

Me I'm doing ok today for the most part. Woke up and that's a blessing.

So today's topic will revolve around sustaining in an unsustainable environment. Pause~ Today's blog is not a rant or long complaint. But rather an ode to making sure people understand. Play~ So through "my reveal" I have come across two types of people. One group who will just offer an encouraging message. And the other group who will mimic a stage 4 cancer patient. And well readers, at this point I want to say, that even though I am going through this terrible time, we are all going through some hard time. No one is cruising on "easy street." Pause~ This is not a diversion from me to you all. But rather a conversation to say that my hard time should NEVER overshadow someone else's. Play~

The reason I bring this up, is because yesterday I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and usually she calls and asks the same three questions and then she rushes me off the line.

1) How do you feel today?
2) Do you need anything?
3) Have you slowed down at work?

Now I love her dearly for asking. But yesterday before she could even get the words out for question one, I bombarded her with "How are you doing?" And then the tears started to flow. The poor thing had been going through so much! I couldn't even keep up with the happenings. And when I asked her, why she hadn't spoken of all this before, she answered "Because you have cancer!" Pause~ Enter shock face. Play~

So on that note, I had to let her know that she did not have to cater to me. Friends are here for each other. This was not a one sided relationship. I was so shocked! I couldn't believe that she had put my diagnosis above herself. Pause~ I know its hard to believe but its so weird to hear. Play~

So in that fact I've come to the decision that its time to show you all that I am in fact 100% FABULOUS! In that regard, I am having a "I'm Cancer Free (almost)" cocktail party! And folks its going down!

If you are interested in attending comment to the blog! We are going to dance, drink and over all be merry!

"Big or small boobs we are saving THEM ALL!"

Love ya'll!
Annie P

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