Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Well darlings, the time has come and it is FINALLY 2012. I was planning on doing a post dedicated to things learned from the past year; however, it seems moot at this point in time. Pause~  When it comes to reflection I can be a little long winded so I will spare you wonderful folks the headache. Play~

So for 2012 I have some set goals in mind. Namely, getting my shit together and getting back on track with the plan that I had before. Of course, I have some obstacles to conquer (ie. cancer-be-gone being number 1) but really its all about getting myself back to the track I was on beforehand. Outside of getting back on track, there are some new goals I have in mind for myself as well like getting out more! I really want to get out and meet more people. Within the past two weeks, I have managed to meet some amazing people now that I have come back to floating into my other groups of friends. Pause~ I love my close knit circle but once I began floating around like I had once before, my network grew exponentially. Silly and simple realization but worthwhile in the grand scheme of things. Play~

In addition, another goal is to be a bit more selfish with myself. I need to get back to me again. I started last year and then there was a brigade of men and then Ruckfield. Pause~ That has ended by the way. But alas that story I will save for another post. Play~ So here we are trying to get ourselves back on track and on the journey to peace! Ahhhh...what a wonderful concept.

Speaking of my journey to peace, here is the progress thus far.

1) We have began to meditate and pray more often. Both have offered some additional clarity I do not think that I could have achieved without it.
2) Exercise is going very well! 10lbs down and counting.
3) Reading has recommenced.

In the end, I think/know 2012 will be a year of growth for real! There are so many opportunities looming that I think I have to make things happen. Hope you all are having a wonderful start as well!

Finding Love Again,
Annie P

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