Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Good morning all!

Today! That is the theme we are living on! Per my previous post, I am on a quest to be alone and really get to know Annie P. As a result, I have been trying to keep myself super distracted. Pause~ Please forgive all the transitions. Play~ In keeping myself distracted, I have realized two things. One, I have A LOT more growing to do and two, I realized that I have a great deal more work to do in investing in my friendships.

Recently, I have had the pleasure of catching up with some great friends between Boston, DC and NYC. It has truly been an amazing experience. So lets start!

So I have a great friend that I've had the pleasure of knowing since we were 11 and 12. She, like any twenty-something, has been through a lot. And it was great to go out there and spend some much needed QT with her. We spoke about life and love and finding love...blah blah. Pause~ Love that my friends and I can speak about stuff like this. Play~ So we spoke, we ate, we drank wine and went to sleep. The next day we went to church together and then I got back on the plane to NYC. The interesting thing about going to see this friend is that we rarely talk. And I guess it has been that way because we have always been so busy. But it was cool to sit down face to face and just put it all out there.

So this is a trip that was a long time coming. Like many Vandy alum, we have friends all over which is truly amazing. Well I have the pleasure of having a concentrated group of friends in DC. So I went with a great ball of sunshine, my bestie who we will name "Sunshine." Pause~ The nickname should let you know everything there is to know about this amazing lady. Play~ We visited and had an amazing time! We ate, danced, drank and spoke about goals. And in the end, we got one of our good friends out on the town. She had actually never gone out in her  new city.

Isn't it funny that you can live 10-15 minutes away from people and never see them? Well welcome to my life as of late. So these past weeks I have been making a diligent effort to see more of my friends and family. As a result, things are going well. I have successfully seen a good amount of my friends. And I can say one thing...it is/has been an experience catching up.

You see, I had been talking and joking with my friends but we hadn't really gotten to the "meat" of things. It has truly been a blessing to catch up with more of my friends and family.

So here are the plans for this week:

1) Continue to reach out -- there's a long list! And if you haven't been contacted you will soon
2) Lunch with Elizabeth Taylor!
3) Dinner with the ladies who love
4) Therapy
5) Galas and dancing

Wishing you all plenty of blessings!

Annie P

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