Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Calculated Risks

So readers, on this Tuesday afternoon, I unfortunately do not have much to say. My life has been pretty mundane to say the least. I had a great/tiring weekend that consisted of work and more work but rewarding none the less. So love for today: Following your heart.

As stated in previous posts, I am involved in a great deal of business ventures. One in particular that is close to my heart is my own personal business. Pause~ Maybe I didn't mention this, but I have a client service business that allows me to help other small/new business owners get themselves out there. Play~ Since starting this venture, there has been plenty of ups and downs BUT I am lucky enough to say that there has been major ups!

So a little background on the Annie P biz. I came up with the idea when I met with one of my friends who was starting a tutoring company and needed some advice on fundraising and overall marketing. From there, we built a strategy, identified holes in business plan and other necessities to get it off the ground. Once we were in full swing, I felt like I was on a high. I was doing the two things I loved, strategy and execution. Pause~ Nothing was all cakes and sunshine. We definitely had heated discussions and long moments of silence. When mixing business and friendship you usually have loads of difficulty finding a happy medium. So post this, I learned to stress that this is business not friendship from here on out. Play~ In the end of the start up phase, my friend had a very visible business. She was able to infiltrate three community centers and get some private tutoring going on the side. Pause~ She's not making a million dollars but she is happy and knows that her business has the potential to grown once she can afford to expand. Play~ Well after that, she and two other friends of mine told me that I was unlike anything they had ever seen. I was happy, throwing the best ideas out and really passionate. Pause~ At the time I was in a job I hated. It paid the bills but overall was boring and not interesting. Play~ So after much thought and some short term business classes I started my venture.

Within the first year, I was fortunate to have gained a smart business partner and five PAYING clients. Pause~ Major goal for my small business of two people! Play~ What's even more weird is that as of now I am fielding requests for more businesses to submit RFPs to me. But anyway, I said all of this to say that in life there will always be things that you never think you can do until you push yourself to do it. Now true there will not always be a positive/great result but at least when the time comes you can say "yup I tried it and it was fill in the blank."

In all, I think that I had made an unstated promise to always do what I wanted to do. Of course think about the consequences, weigh the risks BUT always be true to the fact that when I want to do something just do it! And to be honest, I have applied this to every function in my life at this point. So I hope that all of you out there have been able to gain/bask in that same revelry.

Until next time,
Annie P

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