Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Readers Thoughts

So throughout my challenge to myself, I realized today that I never asked you guys what you love! Pause~ I know how ludicrous is that?! Play~ So for today, I want to hear from you guys!

Below are three questions. Please choose one and leave me a short comment. Pause~ No pressure. It can be one word or a full paragraph. Nothing but safe space on this side. Play~

1) List something you love.
2) What is one goal you need/want to accomplish?
3) Have you ever been in love? Pause~ Just me being nosey. He he Play~

Ok so to break the ice I can start!

Name/Alias: Annie P

1) List something you love.
  • Hmm...nothing material at this point. I will say the one thing I love at this point is my new found passion!   I have so much passion for things. Since the break up between "man" and myself I have been able to submerge myself into the things/thoughts that I had been suppressing. One example, this blog! So that's been a nice transition.
2) What is one goal you need/want to accomplish?
  • One goal I NEED to accomplish is my move overseas. I have been speaking on this goal for years. First it began as a "joke." Then one day, I picked up a book on my destination and it dawned on me that I would LOVE to be there. Pause~ As "party-focused" as many of my peers think I am, I am actually a lover of culture and all things new! Play~ So starting seven months ago, I have become much more vocal about my move. I plan to go in five years. My plan is so intense that it has phases (1-4) and I have built a rigorous informational interview platform to get as much information as I will need to be successful. Many of my friends think I'm being "funny;" my sister, Elizabeth Taylor, seems to believe me (love her) and the parents just shrug it off. But I know I'm going to get there one way or another.

3) Have you ever been in love?
  • Um yeah! I was in love for a long time with "man." Pause~ I know I speak about the bad a great deal in this blog. However, there was a great deal of good! Play~ We had great times, chats, dinners and relations (wink wink). But in the end, our love faded and we are now working on a new type of love, friendship. As of now, things are fresh but I am confident that one day in different spaces and places we can really be best friends. "Man" will always be the ying to my yang. Pause~ Not sad lover talk. Trust that ship has sailed and sank and become embedded into the earths crust. Play~
I'm all ears!!!

Annie P :)


  1. 1. What is one goal you need/want to accomplish...

    I HAVE to get a hold of my time. I need to be better about time management (especially since I plan to teach it to undergrads soon...), I need to be better about my own personal wellness with regards to how far I stretch myself. I need to start just being aware of what I'm doing, when and for how long and start making space for what matters and stop spending time on things that don't.

    Yup. Need to do alladat.

  2. love that answer! best of luck A. Smith!

  3. 1) List something you love.

    I love to travel. I love to see new places, experience new cultures, and just embrace all that life has to offer. Due to monetary constraints temporarily, I cannot go on the big expeditions I would like, but the small pleasures in my own town and those nearby will do for now. I know one day I will be able to see it all! :-)
