Thursday, June 2, 2011

Everything Comes Full Circle

Good afternoon everyone! Glorious (cool) Thursday afternoon don't you think? Well to jump right in I'm going to give you all some bullet points as to how things have been on my side. Love: Everything comes full circle.
  • Past: Yesterday, I had the "pleasure" of seeing my old boss (-__-) from my first job out of undergrad. Pause~ This was the atmosphere I referenced before where I was "pushed" out of that arena. Ha! Play~ Well we were riding a number train from Manhattan to Brooklyn, and she saw me standing in my very chic outfit and tapped me on the shoulder. Pause~ Ever been tapped by a white lady on the train? If not, I can tell you its very interesting because I turned with the stinkiest look ever. Play~ So we see each other and she comes in for an embrace and of course I grant it back. Pause~ Never liked her at all. She was underhanded and very sneaky. The entire company was that way which is why I was ecstatic when they asked me leave. UNEMPLOYMENT CHECKS! Play~ In the midst of our "catch up" she stops to ask me if I am working and where. So of course I tell her, and she forms a look of "shock" on her face. So I asked her "Carrie is everything ok?" and she answers "Well yes, I'm surprised! I would have never thought you would have made it 'there.'" Pause~ WTF does "there" mean?! And this is what I was talking about. Play~ And on that note readers, I decided to bid my adieu and leave that damn train car cause I sure was about to smack her. Lesson: Things came back full circle because to her ass I was just another dumb employee that they had to let go. However, they never tried to harness my skills. So boo to them.
  • Dating: Fine Man and I have been trying to make a rebound post that "snooping" scenario last week. Things are well but now I am waiting for the "boom to drop." Pause~ Ugh I hate being pessimistic. Its def not in my nature; however, something...something ain't all together there. Play~ So in awaiting the bad, I think that I am stalling a great deal of good that could be occurring. Not to say we would be exclusive and/or together BUT I'm sure there could be more dates, phone calls, text messages, etc. However, in speaking with a good guy friend of mine we shall call King Kev; he let me know that in making this man "wait" I am doing the same things that I tell him not to do. Funny right? Lesson: Taking my own advice is hard. But if I'm going to dish it I better be about it.
  • Love: Yesterday on my dinner break, I was rummaging through my bag (what's new) and ran across a note I wrote to myself. Pause~ If you haven't caught on yet, I'm the master of hand written notes to myself. They usually start off with "YOU BETTER DO..." or "I'M TIRED OF FORGETTING.." So usually when I find them I have like an awe man moment. Play~ So on this note, I had a reminder to myself that stated the following: "YOU BETTER REMEMBER to slow the hell down dawg!" Whats crazy about that note, is that I didn't date it, put a deadline to where I should write it down again (as I do sometimes) but it was just there. Now although trivial and somewhat nonsensical, that note came right on time. I definitely started burning the candlestick on both ends between work, family and the other stuff. Pause~ This is where I know that God is a woman. Play~  Lesson: I need to just chill out. Things will get done, that last email will get sent, the phone call will be returned. All those things I stress about will get taken care of.
In the end, my bullet points are somewhat every where but its just how I've been feeling as of late. Feel free to drop a line to let me know your thoughts.

Annie P

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