Thursday, May 26, 2011

So It Happened...

Happy Thursday all! Today is a wonderful spring day. So wonderful that I am in fact going to leave work on time and go get a glass of wine alfresco! Like many know, winters in NYC can be harsh and brutal but by the time spring arrives its a new day and a new attitude. Pause~ Even though this bubbly girls stays pretty consistent through the seasons. Play~ Anyway love for the day: Expecting nothing but finding everything.

So Fine Man and I have been getting closer lately. Pause~ I know...I know. I was done with him but you will see where this is going. Play~ So all of a sudden we can have nice conversations and SIMPLE outings that result in lots of laughs and good times. And through this non-dating scenario we have been able to get to know one another in a way we haven't before when we were "dating." Pause~ Yes we have coined it "non-dating" because when we were "dating" he kept fucking up (for lack of a better term). So now we are non-dating. Play~ Well moving along, the other day I went to his office to drop some things that I had in my bag from our last date/non-date. Pause~ Nothing major that I couldn't hold on to BUT I do not like holding on to another persons things. Like it will bother me that I am carrying it around. Play~ And he invited me to sit and relax before we left again, which I did for a second. And then my blackberry conked out and I had to use his office as my "base" for the hour I was waiting on him.

Hm, well I'm sitting there in front of his computer and his blackberry and his personal phone and his outlook calendar. So basically I'm sitting there with this man's life in front of me and I was like hmm should I or shouldn't I. Pause~ Disclaimer: I am no snoop! However,  in light of our new friendship I always wondering if he is actually AS BUSY as he lets on. I mean I know he's busy due to what he does BUT is he as busy personally as he states. Things to make you go hmm. Play~ So of course, I decide not to because its not worth it. I really am not concerned with the whole looking for something. Because like the old saying goes, when your ass goes looking for something scandalous you will find something you don't want to see.

NOW in light of me saying that. I sat on his computer and decided to check this wonderful blog as well as other blogs that I follow. In all, I just wanted to see if anyone commented on my latest posts and/or if some of my good good friends posted new somethings. Pause~ Sidebar: My good friend Vexy and I discussed how hard it is to blog everyday when you are a twenty something. Like you have so much to say and not much time to say it. So usually I take a fast track approach to blogging. Start it on some sort of down time and complete later on. Play~ Well as I perused the different blogs, FM came in and said "Finished lets go." And I closed the box and just left. BIG PAUSE~ Please tell me you know what happened next. Play~

Fast forward to Wednesday morning, I wake up to a text message sent at 5:34AM that says "We need to talk." So of course, I shrug Pause~ We are not together you don't get an immediate call back. Play~ get up and get to work. At 12:30PM while I was on the phone, an email pops up on my blackberry "Call me asap." Pause~ Now readers, don't take this personal, I am usually very attentive but my bullshit meter was coming in at RED ALERT DON'T ANSWER! Play~ So of course I answer the email with "Super busy give you a ring at 4:30PM when I get back to the desk."

Now at 4:30PM on the dot, my office line rings and its FM. So here's how the convo went.

AP: This is [Annie P]

FM:'re a hard lady to catch

AP: Yup life of a recruiter. But that's not what you called about

FM: No actually you're right. I'm calling because I want to know what you think of us

AP: Us?

FM: Yeah like how do you things are going with me and you

AP: Hmm...I'm going to answer with a question. Where did this come from?

FM: Well if you don't mind, I would like an answer to my question first. Pause~ (Sigh) Negro please! Out with the nonsense. Play~

AP: Ok well in this non-dating scenario things are ok. We are starting to enjoy each others company.

FM: I totally agree.

AP: Ok....[insert silence]

FM: Well I came into my office last night after we parted and your blog popped up on my screen. Pause~ How does a box that is closed magically "pop up" on your screen. Ok...ya...sure. Play~

AP: Oh it did. I could have sworn I closed that [insert sarcasm]

FM: Hmm you did? So I read some of it and your a great writer!

AP: Thank you. The blog started as a 365 challenge and has moved to something else not too sure what yet.

FM: So I started reading and couldn't stop. I felt like I was getting to know you better until I reached the posts about me. Pause~ HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Play~

AP: Oh..well what did you think about yourself?

FM: That I'm a jerk!

AP: [whistles]

FM: WOW! Is this what your "followers" think of me as well?

AP: In all [FM] don't be offended only like 15 people read the blog, one. Two, no one thinks anything of you because they dont know you. And three, my thoughts then may not be the same as they are now. And as you can see I haven't written about you in a long time.

FM: Yeah I saw that. But did you not write because you weren't interested anymore or because there was no "juice" to tell.

AP: Neither, haven't written about you because there are other things to write about. Pause~ Y'all KNOW I'm not about explaining myself but I mean since I did write about him and he didn't know the blog existed I owed him some answers. Also a number of people don't know, but once your written about in a negative connotation it becomes hard to swallow. Play~

FM: Well I hope there is a better post to come. Especially after next week.

AP: Whats going on next week?

FM: You will see. Well I'm jumping on a call speak to you later.

- End Scene - he read about himself. And I laugh because the same thing I vowed NOT to do got done to me. Isn't that ironic? Now by no means was I meaning to keep the blog a secret, its for public consumption. Also, true to form, I do not give a great deal of myself to men while dating/non-dating. Only because I feel like if you are worth the investment then and only then will you be allowed to know more than what you hear or are told. But it seems that once men know it exists and people read it, it becomes a "Did you write about this or that?" convo.

So readers, I ask you is the no snooping rule dead? Do people still snoop in hopes of finding something? Or are we in a society where that's considered "okay?"

Annie P


  1. Everybody wants to know what people really think of them. Period.

    My experience has been that we take what folks say, true or not, much harder if it's negative. That's why everybody doesn't know about mine (truthfully, more people know about it than I'd like, but it is what it is...)

    People are always gonna snoop, especially when they're feeling like they don't have grounding in a situation and want to know "the real" whatever that is...

  2. As Ms. Smith said, we all want to know what people really think of them.. to some degree anyway. I think its provisional if you are the type of person that cant handle the truth for instance if you think someone thinks highly of you and it is the contrary.

    Seek and ye shall find. It's happened to me. Simple law of attraction.

    You shouldn't snoop around but curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought it back. Be weary though... satisfaction might just kill you again.
