Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Hypocricy of Family and Death

So one of the P family members has passed away. Now for this family member, I mourn but I saw how she was doing and visited her with my parents as often as I could. Pause~ For those of you who are wondering. Im doing fine. I am sad but not like in a puddle. As of right now, the concern passes to my parents. Play~ However, today's post is about those who glorify the passing of someone without even once having took the time to see how they were. Dislike for today: The Hypocisy Family and Death

The passing of my family member happened last night. And Im guessing as the time presented itself, my parents decided to wait until the morning to call my siblings and I. However, once getting the news of course I checked on my parents and then send messages to select family members. Pause~ I know you are thinking why select members. all truth no one outside of about seven to eight people actually visited this family member. So its hard to actually send messages to people who didnt care about her in life or death. Play~ Now fast forward to getting on the train this morning. I get on Facebook Pause~ I know I know...when I doubt I stick to a routine. Play~ and I start seeing statuses from my cousins and one aunt about the passing of this person. HUH....WHAT?! The first thing that jumped to mind was utter and total DISGUST! These people never ONCE took time to go see or inquire about her. Not when she was well, not when she was sick, not when she was having great days, not when she went blind...NEVER! So now you want great remorse?!!? How awful!

So while going through the comments left by "friends" I literally sat on the train and shook my head in disbelief. It literally almost wanted to post questions like:

- Where was her last known residence? What was the number there?
- Who went to see her most?
- Where did she live before her current location?
- How old was she?
- Do you know what degenerative issues she had?
- What was her favorite candy?
  * If you can answer none of the above question PLEASE TAKE THIS DAMN STATUS DOWN!

Pause~ Im not saying they can not be sad. No not at all. BUT BE REAL! They never took the time to inquire. She was just another reference point in a conversations with friends. They never knew her history, never knew what she was going through, never knew about her moves from one place to another. UGH. Play~ In the end, I guess Im just upset that people glorify death in hopes of getting sympathy. I, personally, would never put something as sensitive on facebook. Pause~ I know you're thinking I put it in my blog. And yes I did. But its not to gain sympathy. Like I said, Im doing fine. This post was more of a venting session. Play~  In my mind somethings are better left in the privacy of a family. Let us deal with it together. Dont put yourself out there to "show your emotions" and then have NOTHING to say when people ask you questions.

In the end, I guess people can mourn on their own terms. However, I hold my family very private. I do not like everyone knowing what is going on. I do not like seeing people call and look at us with that pitiful "Im so sorry face." But alas, you can not control everyones crazy. So I guess my only lesson today would be....In times you just have to know when to be quiet.

Anyway...RIP to this young lady! Fiery wit and endless laughs! Peace out dawg!

Until next time,
Annie P

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