Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day - The Drama that is Mrs. P

Ok so the coveted hallmark holiday known as Mother's Day was this past weekend. Now there are two things that I love about this holiday. 1) We (the P family) get together and make jokes etc and 2) Mommy P gets to have her way on that day. Pause~ She gets her way every other day but there is a greater influence on that day. Play~

As discussed, my past couple of weeks have been super busy. In saying that, the whole Mothers Day planning fell to one of my other siblings. Anyway, in planning I received a text message about a location and time to be there. Pause~ Mothers Day weekend is always a whirlwind. In that there is everything and anything going on. Including one of my good friends birthday celebrations. Play~ Anyway, move to Saturday morning, and my mom calls me while I'm waiting to start getting my do did and she immediately begins complaining. Pause~ My mother is the queen of mothers day drama! Not ONE year has passed that she doesn't have some sort of issue and/or complaint. Its like of all the holidays to be upset/picky over, this is the one she chooses. Play~ So like any good daughter would, I sat and listened intently as she went on and on and on about what she expects and what needs to be done etc.

Now post this conversation I reach out to my dad and we of course begin to laugh. Not because my mom is a joke but because this is such a non-descript holiday and she always manages to give us some sort of heartburn. So my dad confirms what I know to be true and we move forward. my arrival back to my house at 6:30AM on Sunday morning, I slept for two hours and got up to go to brunch with my mom. At brunch we laugh, we joke and then we all disperse to our locations. So on the way home my mom begins to ask me about my dating life. Pause~ This is weird even for my mom. She is not the type to ask about the specifics. She is more of the parent who just wants to know its going on. Any additional information I would have to volunteer willingly. Play~

So we begin to discuss and the topic of celibacy comes up. And she laughs HARD! Now I wasn't shocked at this. Pause~ For those of you who do not know Mommy P she is very inappropriate. And not in a rude way but in the sense that she says what she wants. Play~ Shocked at her reaction, my mom then continues to tell me that I need to "get my shit together."

So with that...I don't know exactly what I'm going to do but to save myself from another encounter like that I am going to do as she said. LOL

Annie P

P.S. Happy Mothers Day to all the mommies out there! You are appreciated!

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