Monday, May 23, 2011

Dreams - Rem, Life & Functionality

Good morning everyone. So I have been missing lately, but for very good reason! Work is going great! Pause~ Its a lot but its great! I woke up this morning ready to take the day! Play~ One thing that I wanted to speak on today was dreams. So love for the day: Function...understanding it for the most part.

Well last night was weird. Not in the process of the night; but in the whole ending leading up to this morning. So like any Sunday, I did things that were necessary to do before the week begins. Pause~ Chores stink, but I mean in the sense that work is work and bills are bills you know. Play~ Well anyway, I ended up doing "mans" hair and then going to take a shower and get in the bed. So I get to sleep and I had one of those sleeps where you don't dream. Pause~ Secretly, that scares me. Not dreaming to me is like not thinking. And I love to ponder, hypothesize and come to a conclusion. So when I don't dream it usually freaks me out. Play~ Well at the usual wake up time my alarm goes off and I ceremoniously turn it off and go back to sleep for "five more minutes." Pause~ Five more minutes is the story of my life. The hardest part for me is getting out of bed. I don't know why but it is. However, once this girl is up I'm UP! Play~ Upon falling back to sleep, I began to have a dream that kind of shook me to the core.

The dream starts with me in the bathroom in my apartment. And I am staring at my reflection in the mirror. The image doesn't change but I come out and there is a totally different apartment. Well then I end up magically in a car in front of my moms house with (dare I say it) "man." And we are there talking and he is comforting me on some "news" that I have to tell my parents. Pause~ I know we are all thinking pregnancy but for some reason I don't think that was the news per say. Play~ So in the car, I a feeling of distress comes over me. Pause~ I know I really felt this because when I woke up my hand was to my chest. Play~ And then somehow, we end up getting "intimate" in the car. Well I jump out of my sleep and realize I have been sleep for an extra FIFTY-TWO MINUTES. Pause~ Thank goodness for a twenty minute train ride to work. Play~ When all is said and done, I don't know why I was so shook by the dream; but, I am really searching for a meaning. Because the "news" was not revealed.

Now fast forward to 20 minutes post waking up. I get a text from my long time friend in Atlanta. We shall name her "Transitional." So background of Transitional...she is a twenty-something who has recently acquired her masters degree. She moved out of NYC a couple of years ago and her boyfriend joined her maybe two years ago. Well they moved out there and went through the natural storming/norming/forming stages couples go through with that adjustment. Pause~ I don't have an opinion on that couple per say but shes happy so who would I be to judge. Play~ Anyway she text me this morning and it says the following.

"Hey girl!! I got some good news...but I need some help. Call me when you can please."

Now being her friend I knew what the news was before I even finished reading the message. She's engaged. Pause~ Aside from the fact that they have been together since the dawn of man, this is the natural progression of my friendships. Play~ Well I call and she says exactly that! And then the advice portion comes through. She has given her man a substantial amount of money and once the money changed hands she began monitoring his bank account to see where the money is going. Pause~ Why the hell did you give him the money? Play~ So yes, she goes on to tell me about every penny that is spent and why she is upset. And I ended the convo with "The money has changed hands and this is not a good way to begin you engagement. Stop snooping and let him do him. The truth comes out later on and you can deal with it then."

So after getting off the phone with her, I wondered was my dream the lead up to that conversation? Or is there something else coming down the pipe?

So to end this post, lately I feel like I have been living in three different realms of a dream.

- Rem: Where I sleep and "imagine" what is to come
- Life: Where work, friends, family, consequence and everything else is actually occurring
- Functionality: The portion of the day where I "pull in the reigns" on what is going on

Does anyone else feel this way?

Annie P

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