Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It All Started With A Dress

So yesterday, my whole night got shifted around. Pause~ Usually I can get very annoyed but in that moment I realized what a blessing it was. Play~ One thing that I have not said throughout my 365 blog challenge is how my new job is going. On that note, love for the day: Knowing exactly what space you belong in.

For those who are unaware, Annie P was originally going to be a doctor/MD. My journey in medicine originated with my mom. Pause~ Awesomeness begins with my mom. Next to Oprah and Carla Harris my mom is my modern day she-rah. Play~ And I went through all of the proper channels to getting to Dr. Annie P. I'm talking medical science program in high school, all science classes in undergraduate, MCAT class and test, applications to med schools and finally acceptances. Pause~ Yes, I did get in. Shocker even for me. However in hindsight, I am more proud of myself for getting in. Most do not and I can say I did all I needed to and got into some ivys. Play~ However, after coming out of undergrad and seeing my peers in med school, I decided to take a "break." Not because I didn't want to go, but there were so many things that I forfeited in undergrad for my med school dream. (ie. traveling, money...overall life).

Well within the first year I worked, traveled and made money. It was awesome. However, within that health care communications space, I realized two things. 1) I didn't like communications on the healthcare side and 2) health care was getting boring. So as a result, I left that space (or rather was forced out) and moved to the public sector of health care recruiting. Pause~ Health care recruiting is a small niche space. One thing I took from that experience is that you have to be comfortable in your own skin and your word is all you have! Play~ Within that space I can honestly say, I met the most unsavory people on the planet. And let me be real, there are diamonds in the rough but these were rocks on the way to coals hoping to become diamonds. So after being there for a year, I finally realized where I should be. Private sector...recruiting. Pause~ This is not an open forum to "hook up" anyone with work. lol...but seriously. Play~

Ok forward to last night. Radio was cancelled, hair appointment was unsuccessful so I decided to go and get some work appropriate wear for the office. Pause~ Of course I am a bigger lady so there is a very calculated approach to shopping for work clothes. In all, not my favorite activity. I'm too small for the real big lady clothes but too big for the cutesy small lady clothes. See the problem. Play~ So I get into Bloomingdales and head straight to, what I like to call, the "fat lady section." Now whats dismal about this section is that there is always very little selection in the store. BUT its hard to by online because as a bigger lady you always have to try on. So luckily I was able to acquire two wonderful dresses right within the budget. Pause~ You don't want to even know what the budget is. Play~

Then I approached the shoe department. One anecdotal thing I love about shoes "They don't discriminate and always take you where you need to go." So I get to the shoe floor and immediately head to my favorite designers (Coach and Cole Haan). While I stood and debated buying $150 nude pumps it dawned on me...summer is coming and everything is "right." Pause~ I know that seems excessive; however, as a bigger lady (again) I'm all about quality over quantity. One pair of really good pumps is better than three pairs of marginal pumps. Work is where you should present your best self. Play~ So I quickly put down the pump and left that department and headed straight to the jewelry floor. Ahhh the jewelry floor. One place of amazement and grandour. No need to bore you with the purchases but know that some lovely pearls were purchased.

In the end, I left Bloomingdales (bags in hand) with a sense of accomplishment. Not only because I was able to make some incredible purchases but because I had realized that I was happy with the progression of my career. I had now found a space that I belonged to. Not only in the literal sense but in the overall. I can do a snapshot of my department and see that there are at least seven women that are partners and two are African American. That's awesome!

In the end, while mapping out my career goals I can honestly say that although the goal changed the path was/is amazing. I cant wait to see what comes up next.

Living day to day,
Annie P

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