Monday, May 2, 2011

Updates on the Young & the Restless

Now in Annie P news....Things on the dating front are going OKAY! As my favorite author would say, "Life is neither ugly or beautiful but original." And I have truly been living that sentiment. Pause~ I think I should have a section in the NYTs. "Annie P Updates" Thoughts? (lol) Play~

First up, things with the Young Man are progressing rather nicely. We have been out a couple of times and have had a multitude of phone conversations. We have a great deal in common. And its clear that we are learning from one another slowly but surely. So while speaking on the phone with him last night, he told me that he told his father about me. Pause~ Insert shiver and silence. I was not expecting that so soon. Play~ In retrospect, I guess I have to appreciate that since we have been speaking regularly but it was weird to hear it come out his mouth. He continued to say, that his dad expressed an interest to meet me. Pause again~ Whoa. Play~ Now, I am sitting on the phone and thinking about what this means. I mean we are not getting married, physical or anything like that. But doesn't this mean that we are going into a next phase? Hmm, something that is on my mind.

As for Fine Man, we saw each other this weekend and had a good time. Pause~ The first time of four dates. Play~ It was nothing special at all. Just good conversation and easy laughs. And as we were hanging out, outside close to both of our apartments, I realized this was all that I wanted in terms of a "date" with him. And in the same instance, it came to me that I do not want to date this man. Not because of the terrible dates, but we are not meant to move past friendship. Nothing in me jumped when we saw each other. So unfortunately, he is the wild salmon that I am throwing back to the other fishermen. Pause~ I'm not closed off to us being together but I am not going to force what is not there. Play~

Ghana Revisited has been put back to sea as well. Long story short, its over. LOL hes a Fascist. And I don't do Stalin-like behaviors. Pause~ I can tell y'all more about that in a post especially dedicated to him named "The Reign of Stalin." I have been working on this for days and I need a real picture taken by moi to close it off. Play~ So that's over and I'm happy I didn't have to like resort to a restraining order or like police action.

In the end, I'm taking things slow and moving things from one column to another, figuratively speaking. So what's on the horizon? Who knows! Am I excited? Sure.

Annie P

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