Monday, May 9, 2011

The Adventures of Fundraising

For my third post for the day, I want to discuss fundraising. So final love: Fundraising for something you believe in.

I'm not sure if I have told you all, but I am involved with a wonderful group of women entrepreneurs that brings costumes on the road for Labor Day Carnival in New York City. Within the past year, I have been allowed into that process from beginning to end. Pause~ Let me tell you, there is LOADS more anxiety that goes into making and distributing costumes. But that I will save for another post because I am SURE it will come to pass in September. Play~ So in making moves to get our section going, I have been charged with the sponsorship/fundraising piece of the process. Pause~ I know most would be upset/disappointed with such a task. However, I am naturally a seller. This is one of my strong points which I love. Play~ So being that I have my own business that casts a wide net to other businesses I went into overdrive to getting this together.

Like any salesman, I sent out my feelers and waited for responses. Of course, there were loads of positive responses and then there were the rejections that shocked me. NOW I got some information and translated that back to the women I am in business with. Pause~ This sounds boring but it gets better. Play~ Fast forward to a meeting we had with our band leaders. We meet, I draft questions (like anyone would) and ask for information regarding sponsorship etc. What's interesting about asking questions to these ladies is that everything can appear as either secretive and/or not done. Pause~ These are intelligent women, hands down. They have a goal, they move forward and sometimes translate accordingly. Play~ So in sitting in this meeting, I asked and was told we would receive the list of sponsors they were going after.

In the grand scheme of things readers, I was NEVER expecting this list. However, now its interesting because as I predicted we (as in the band and my section) are going after not only the same sponsors but the same contacts. Counter productive I know. So now here we are, less than a month from our band launch Pause~ Happening June 12th at 6PM! Inquire within for tickets! Play~ and now I have to back track on the possible sponsors to see if they will still help my section out. Interesting task right!? Well we shall see how this goes!
Begging for change,
Annie P

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