Monday, May 2, 2011

Buried at Sea

Hello blog world! So today is epic for so many reasons. Love today: Seeing things go as they should!

In world news, Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden has been killed and buried at sea. Pause~ For those who are not well versed on the reign of Osama please see the NYT nine page print obituary OR the seven page obituary on the NYT website. Play~ While home last night, I got a text from a friend who let me know that Osama had been killed and captured by the US. So I immediately switched to CNN to watch the media coverage and await the president's address to the country. However, while watching the celebration and revelry amongst US citizens in the different cities I could not help but feel disgust. I am not one to celebrate the death of a man. Now I get it, Osama has been "Public Enemy No. 1" since at least 1988. However, is this what we, Americans, have come to? Celebrating the death of a man? Pause~ Am I an Obama fan/enthusiast? Yes, always have been and always will be. Do/have I followed every news story, book and magazine publication surrounding this 10 year war? Yes, always! Just because its not in my backyard does NOT mean you should not know whats going on. Play~ Trust, I was just as devastated as all Americans on September 11th, 2001. I remember down to my outfit and what class I was in. However, when speaking with select people Pause~ I do not talk politics with people. Its sensitive and not a smart thing to do. That's how you lose friends. Play~ I realized most do not know what the hell is going on in the world. HOW CAN THIS BE?! Yes, I am happy Osama has been taken down. BUT how about the man has been in kidney failure for years. And how about Al Queda has a whole COUNCIL that is managed by atleast two leaders, Mullah Muhammad Omar (leader of the council) and Ayman Al-Zawahri (Al Queda's No. 2 Leader). I mean hmm...lets talk about that. Pause~ Rant done. Play~ In the end, I want people to realize that this is what happens in leadership rings.

So now that all of this has been said, I had a conversation with a friend of mine we will name "PC Ignorant." Some background on PCI. PCI is a twenty-something college graduate. She is well versed in a myriad of things and has a strong opinion. Pause~ Many people have told me that I have a presence that can not be messed with. However, when meeting/becoming close with others who have that same presence I have been forced (willingly) to be quiet and listen. Play~ So anyway, she is a great person to have meaningful discussion with. So as the news flew about Osama's death and burial, she was one of the first to call me due to my respect for Osama. Pause~ I am NOT an Osama supporter. However, for one man to be so powerful over a "superpower" there is something to said. Play~ So of course, she begins to speak about how patriotic she feels and how essentially she will be under the Obama administration one way or another. Pause~ I always giggle when people say this. We are all working under the Obama administration in my eyes. We are all part of a system of change. No matter if you are in government directly, banking, education, etc. When decisions are made they all trickle down to you in some form. Play~

Anyway, the conversation continues and then I say, "Well I guess my international travel plans are on hold." and she says "Why would they be?" And I paused. {looks at phone} Huh? Pause~ I'm not one to judge but I mean based on the conversation we were having and knowing the destinations I was planning, she should have known...right? Play~ Needless to say, I stopped talking and let her rant about the change that she sees coming. Blah blah. Pause~ Back to my original rule, do not speak politics with friends. Play~ And at the end of that conversation, I decided that I should reserve conversations like this for those who I know can be objective and thoughtful.

In the end, I am so proud of President Obama. Most are aware of how epic this event is, but in my eyes I def have a sound appreciation for the President I help to put in office. Not because of him being African American or because he has a strong family unit BUT because he has a strong political agenda. Pause~ I do not agree with every portion of the agenda but I respect the hard decisions. Play~

So on to the love, when things move as they should both politically and personally I get very happy.

Living life,
Annie P

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