Thursday, June 16, 2011

Do Men Call Women Anymore?

So last night while at work, I had a conversation with FM and it started off a little angry in that he was annoyed with me. Pause~ Can you believe that? Annoyed...with me? Annie P? Noooo Play~ And in speaking he asked me if I thought it was right that he always made the first call/text. And immediately my answer was, "I never thought about it. To be honest never even noticed that fact." Pause~ Not being mean just honest. Didn't notice that was what was going on. Play~ So we go back and forth on the issue for about fifteen minutes where he gets to speak about all of his "feelings/thoughts" and I get to respond. However, at the end of the conversation I was left with the question...

When did the tables turn? Is it not in a man's nature to court a woman in that way anymore?

Whats funny about the above questions, is that I already know the answers. I'm not shocked and/or amazed that he addressed me the way he did BUT I am shocked that the conversation regarding this matter lasted for FIFTEEN MINUTES. Pause~ Fifteen minutes is a LONG time. And its a long time because I spend 99.9% of my day on the phone and/or talking. So when I'm having a conversation for leisure, it usually is something I enjoy talking about OR something that wraps up quickly because the person on the other end knows that I am working. Play~ Call me shallow and/or mean but like stated in previous posts, my free/down time is precious to me. So in the end, I did apologize and state that I would make a concentrated effort to make those calls and speak to him more often. And upon hearing my apology, I could immediately tell that he was elated to know that I had ceremoniously "given in." Pause~ The new attitude took hold in the midst of that convo. I'm not arguing, I let him put his issue on the table, I listened and then conceded. No need to argue. Play~

Fast forward to this morning, I'm on the 6:32AM train to work and I began to think...Is my lack of phone communication indicative of my actual "like" for this man? So now sitting at my desk, Ive been forced to think about this for the past twenty-five minutes. And the conclusion I came to is...yes I do like him. I'm just not in the boot licking phase anymore. So hmm...where to go from here?

Annie P


  1. I have this problem. I just don't be wanting to be on the phone all the time, or feeling beholden... which is actually probably an issue I need to work on.

    But like the minute somebody starts calling me er'day... I shut down. And people tell me that if I do that with someone I feigned interest in, it's a sign that I'm not that interested, but idk... i don't think that's it.

    In this world of 24/7 connectivity, it makes sense that we burn out and just don't be looking to initiate 3 hr phone convos all the time...

  2. hey chica (: just dropping in to say I love your blog and I check it pretty much every day. Its made me laugh and brightened many a dreary day. Thank you!!!
