Thursday, May 26, 2011

So It Happened...

Happy Thursday all! Today is a wonderful spring day. So wonderful that I am in fact going to leave work on time and go get a glass of wine alfresco! Like many know, winters in NYC can be harsh and brutal but by the time spring arrives its a new day and a new attitude. Pause~ Even though this bubbly girls stays pretty consistent through the seasons. Play~ Anyway love for the day: Expecting nothing but finding everything.

So Fine Man and I have been getting closer lately. Pause~ I know...I know. I was done with him but you will see where this is going. Play~ So all of a sudden we can have nice conversations and SIMPLE outings that result in lots of laughs and good times. And through this non-dating scenario we have been able to get to know one another in a way we haven't before when we were "dating." Pause~ Yes we have coined it "non-dating" because when we were "dating" he kept fucking up (for lack of a better term). So now we are non-dating. Play~ Well moving along, the other day I went to his office to drop some things that I had in my bag from our last date/non-date. Pause~ Nothing major that I couldn't hold on to BUT I do not like holding on to another persons things. Like it will bother me that I am carrying it around. Play~ And he invited me to sit and relax before we left again, which I did for a second. And then my blackberry conked out and I had to use his office as my "base" for the hour I was waiting on him.

Hm, well I'm sitting there in front of his computer and his blackberry and his personal phone and his outlook calendar. So basically I'm sitting there with this man's life in front of me and I was like hmm should I or shouldn't I. Pause~ Disclaimer: I am no snoop! However,  in light of our new friendship I always wondering if he is actually AS BUSY as he lets on. I mean I know he's busy due to what he does BUT is he as busy personally as he states. Things to make you go hmm. Play~ So of course, I decide not to because its not worth it. I really am not concerned with the whole looking for something. Because like the old saying goes, when your ass goes looking for something scandalous you will find something you don't want to see.

NOW in light of me saying that. I sat on his computer and decided to check this wonderful blog as well as other blogs that I follow. In all, I just wanted to see if anyone commented on my latest posts and/or if some of my good good friends posted new somethings. Pause~ Sidebar: My good friend Vexy and I discussed how hard it is to blog everyday when you are a twenty something. Like you have so much to say and not much time to say it. So usually I take a fast track approach to blogging. Start it on some sort of down time and complete later on. Play~ Well as I perused the different blogs, FM came in and said "Finished lets go." And I closed the box and just left. BIG PAUSE~ Please tell me you know what happened next. Play~

Fast forward to Wednesday morning, I wake up to a text message sent at 5:34AM that says "We need to talk." So of course, I shrug Pause~ We are not together you don't get an immediate call back. Play~ get up and get to work. At 12:30PM while I was on the phone, an email pops up on my blackberry "Call me asap." Pause~ Now readers, don't take this personal, I am usually very attentive but my bullshit meter was coming in at RED ALERT DON'T ANSWER! Play~ So of course I answer the email with "Super busy give you a ring at 4:30PM when I get back to the desk."

Now at 4:30PM on the dot, my office line rings and its FM. So here's how the convo went.

AP: This is [Annie P]

FM:'re a hard lady to catch

AP: Yup life of a recruiter. But that's not what you called about

FM: No actually you're right. I'm calling because I want to know what you think of us

AP: Us?

FM: Yeah like how do you things are going with me and you

AP: Hmm...I'm going to answer with a question. Where did this come from?

FM: Well if you don't mind, I would like an answer to my question first. Pause~ (Sigh) Negro please! Out with the nonsense. Play~

AP: Ok well in this non-dating scenario things are ok. We are starting to enjoy each others company.

FM: I totally agree.

AP: Ok....[insert silence]

FM: Well I came into my office last night after we parted and your blog popped up on my screen. Pause~ How does a box that is closed magically "pop up" on your screen. Ok...ya...sure. Play~

AP: Oh it did. I could have sworn I closed that [insert sarcasm]

FM: Hmm you did? So I read some of it and your a great writer!

AP: Thank you. The blog started as a 365 challenge and has moved to something else not too sure what yet.

FM: So I started reading and couldn't stop. I felt like I was getting to know you better until I reached the posts about me. Pause~ HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Play~

AP: Oh..well what did you think about yourself?

FM: That I'm a jerk!

AP: [whistles]

FM: WOW! Is this what your "followers" think of me as well?

AP: In all [FM] don't be offended only like 15 people read the blog, one. Two, no one thinks anything of you because they dont know you. And three, my thoughts then may not be the same as they are now. And as you can see I haven't written about you in a long time.

FM: Yeah I saw that. But did you not write because you weren't interested anymore or because there was no "juice" to tell.

AP: Neither, haven't written about you because there are other things to write about. Pause~ Y'all KNOW I'm not about explaining myself but I mean since I did write about him and he didn't know the blog existed I owed him some answers. Also a number of people don't know, but once your written about in a negative connotation it becomes hard to swallow. Play~

FM: Well I hope there is a better post to come. Especially after next week.

AP: Whats going on next week?

FM: You will see. Well I'm jumping on a call speak to you later.

- End Scene - he read about himself. And I laugh because the same thing I vowed NOT to do got done to me. Isn't that ironic? Now by no means was I meaning to keep the blog a secret, its for public consumption. Also, true to form, I do not give a great deal of myself to men while dating/non-dating. Only because I feel like if you are worth the investment then and only then will you be allowed to know more than what you hear or are told. But it seems that once men know it exists and people read it, it becomes a "Did you write about this or that?" convo.

So readers, I ask you is the no snooping rule dead? Do people still snoop in hopes of finding something? Or are we in a society where that's considered "okay?"

Annie P

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dreams - Rem, Life & Functionality

Good morning everyone. So I have been missing lately, but for very good reason! Work is going great! Pause~ Its a lot but its great! I woke up this morning ready to take the day! Play~ One thing that I wanted to speak on today was dreams. So love for the day: Function...understanding it for the most part.

Well last night was weird. Not in the process of the night; but in the whole ending leading up to this morning. So like any Sunday, I did things that were necessary to do before the week begins. Pause~ Chores stink, but I mean in the sense that work is work and bills are bills you know. Play~ Well anyway, I ended up doing "mans" hair and then going to take a shower and get in the bed. So I get to sleep and I had one of those sleeps where you don't dream. Pause~ Secretly, that scares me. Not dreaming to me is like not thinking. And I love to ponder, hypothesize and come to a conclusion. So when I don't dream it usually freaks me out. Play~ Well at the usual wake up time my alarm goes off and I ceremoniously turn it off and go back to sleep for "five more minutes." Pause~ Five more minutes is the story of my life. The hardest part for me is getting out of bed. I don't know why but it is. However, once this girl is up I'm UP! Play~ Upon falling back to sleep, I began to have a dream that kind of shook me to the core.

The dream starts with me in the bathroom in my apartment. And I am staring at my reflection in the mirror. The image doesn't change but I come out and there is a totally different apartment. Well then I end up magically in a car in front of my moms house with (dare I say it) "man." And we are there talking and he is comforting me on some "news" that I have to tell my parents. Pause~ I know we are all thinking pregnancy but for some reason I don't think that was the news per say. Play~ So in the car, I a feeling of distress comes over me. Pause~ I know I really felt this because when I woke up my hand was to my chest. Play~ And then somehow, we end up getting "intimate" in the car. Well I jump out of my sleep and realize I have been sleep for an extra FIFTY-TWO MINUTES. Pause~ Thank goodness for a twenty minute train ride to work. Play~ When all is said and done, I don't know why I was so shook by the dream; but, I am really searching for a meaning. Because the "news" was not revealed.

Now fast forward to 20 minutes post waking up. I get a text from my long time friend in Atlanta. We shall name her "Transitional." So background of Transitional...she is a twenty-something who has recently acquired her masters degree. She moved out of NYC a couple of years ago and her boyfriend joined her maybe two years ago. Well they moved out there and went through the natural storming/norming/forming stages couples go through with that adjustment. Pause~ I don't have an opinion on that couple per say but shes happy so who would I be to judge. Play~ Anyway she text me this morning and it says the following.

"Hey girl!! I got some good news...but I need some help. Call me when you can please."

Now being her friend I knew what the news was before I even finished reading the message. She's engaged. Pause~ Aside from the fact that they have been together since the dawn of man, this is the natural progression of my friendships. Play~ Well I call and she says exactly that! And then the advice portion comes through. She has given her man a substantial amount of money and once the money changed hands she began monitoring his bank account to see where the money is going. Pause~ Why the hell did you give him the money? Play~ So yes, she goes on to tell me about every penny that is spent and why she is upset. And I ended the convo with "The money has changed hands and this is not a good way to begin you engagement. Stop snooping and let him do him. The truth comes out later on and you can deal with it then."

So after getting off the phone with her, I wondered was my dream the lead up to that conversation? Or is there something else coming down the pipe?

So to end this post, lately I feel like I have been living in three different realms of a dream.

- Rem: Where I sleep and "imagine" what is to come
- Life: Where work, friends, family, consequence and everything else is actually occurring
- Functionality: The portion of the day where I "pull in the reigns" on what is going on

Does anyone else feel this way?

Annie P

Monday, May 16, 2011

Doors Closed? No Not True

No need to discuss the weekend. It was a weekend and that's all I can say about that. However, I did have a wonderful Sunday. Love: With education you have EVERYTHING you need to be ANYTHING you ever wanted to be.

There are rare times when I get to sit down and just relax. I know this is something I say often but this Sunday ended up being a great end to a tumultuous week. Well this Sunday, I got to do the things that I haven't done in a while. 1) Read the New York Times Sunday paper, 2) Watched "Meet the Press" and "Week in Review" 3) Took a morning jog and 4) Had tea and fruit. Pause~ Boring...yeah I guess. But as the old quote says "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Welcome to my treasure. Play~ Waking up at 6AM, I definitely got up and set the wheels in motion for the day. So once I returned from my run and my Sunday purchases, I sat down to see "Meet the Press." And as I watched, I paid attention and ceremoniously shouted back at the television for the entire duration of the program. Pause~ I am secretly very passionate about politics. I love ingesting it all. From autobiographies (yes I read Sarah Palin's book too), to and the NYT. Now I know many people may think that I must be one of those "smart/intelligent" people. However, my belief in life is "You can not complain about it if you are ignorant to the facts." Play~

However, as I was sitting there listening, shouting and laughing at all the political antics from the past week I ran across the speech Michelle Obama gave at the 2011 Spelman graduation. Pause~ I am a real Michelle Obama fan! Like truly enamoured with her history and impressed with her stern beliefs. She is definitely on my "Awesome Women" list. Play~ In listening to Michelle Obama there are two things you can take from her. 1) She is one of the girls! and 2) She speaks with such passion and belief.
In her speech the overall message was about knowing that what you earned is something that no one can take. Use it, covet it and don't forget to!

Usually, I would sit and make note on my computer or write it down in the poppycock. But once the speech was completed, I realized I had NEVER put up my Vanderbilt degree. Pause~ Vandy was everything this Brooklyn girl needed. Showed me the world, fostered long lasting relationships and catapulted me forward. True Commodore to the end. Play~ And in that instance, I got up off my couch and ran to my closet looking for it. And alas realized, IT WASN'T EVEN IN MY HOUSE! WHAT? Annie P was slacking....BIG TIME! Of all the things to never put on display, me...Annie P....never framed or put up my degree. Something I was so proud of, that brought me so much joy, that I literally bawled tears of joy on May 8th! Pause~ Yes I cried HARD at my graduation. There were so much blood, sweat and tears that went into that degree. Play~

So once the shock had subsided, I immediately began my search for the BEST framers in Brooklyn, NY. Not only was I going to put it on display but my degree was going to be in the best frame. In the end, this post isn't really about my degree; but, its about knowing that even if life is busy and can take you on all kinds of twists and turns you MUST realize that you are your best example of success.

One of my favorite writers, Tina McCullough-Ansah, wrote the following:

"Claim what is yours. You belong anywhere on the earth you want to."

Pause~ Michelle said this in her speech! I always knew we were BFFs. Play~ And its true. I'm a dream chaser. I want it all! And I'm going to get it all! So readers...TAKE IT ALL! THE WORLD IS YOURS. Pause~ Insert all euphemisms. Play~

So until next time.
This Dreamer Annie P

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Hypocricy of Family and Death

So one of the P family members has passed away. Now for this family member, I mourn but I saw how she was doing and visited her with my parents as often as I could. Pause~ For those of you who are wondering. Im doing fine. I am sad but not like in a puddle. As of right now, the concern passes to my parents. Play~ However, today's post is about those who glorify the passing of someone without even once having took the time to see how they were. Dislike for today: The Hypocisy Family and Death

The passing of my family member happened last night. And Im guessing as the time presented itself, my parents decided to wait until the morning to call my siblings and I. However, once getting the news of course I checked on my parents and then send messages to select family members. Pause~ I know you are thinking why select members. all truth no one outside of about seven to eight people actually visited this family member. So its hard to actually send messages to people who didnt care about her in life or death. Play~ Now fast forward to getting on the train this morning. I get on Facebook Pause~ I know I know...when I doubt I stick to a routine. Play~ and I start seeing statuses from my cousins and one aunt about the passing of this person. HUH....WHAT?! The first thing that jumped to mind was utter and total DISGUST! These people never ONCE took time to go see or inquire about her. Not when she was well, not when she was sick, not when she was having great days, not when she went blind...NEVER! So now you want great remorse?!!? How awful!

So while going through the comments left by "friends" I literally sat on the train and shook my head in disbelief. It literally almost wanted to post questions like:

- Where was her last known residence? What was the number there?
- Who went to see her most?
- Where did she live before her current location?
- How old was she?
- Do you know what degenerative issues she had?
- What was her favorite candy?
  * If you can answer none of the above question PLEASE TAKE THIS DAMN STATUS DOWN!

Pause~ Im not saying they can not be sad. No not at all. BUT BE REAL! They never took the time to inquire. She was just another reference point in a conversations with friends. They never knew her history, never knew what she was going through, never knew about her moves from one place to another. UGH. Play~ In the end, I guess Im just upset that people glorify death in hopes of getting sympathy. I, personally, would never put something as sensitive on facebook. Pause~ I know you're thinking I put it in my blog. And yes I did. But its not to gain sympathy. Like I said, Im doing fine. This post was more of a venting session. Play~  In my mind somethings are better left in the privacy of a family. Let us deal with it together. Dont put yourself out there to "show your emotions" and then have NOTHING to say when people ask you questions.

In the end, I guess people can mourn on their own terms. However, I hold my family very private. I do not like everyone knowing what is going on. I do not like seeing people call and look at us with that pitiful "Im so sorry face." But alas, you can not control everyones crazy. So I guess my only lesson today would be....In times you just have to know when to be quiet.

Anyway...RIP to this young lady! Fiery wit and endless laughs! Peace out dawg!

Until next time,
Annie P

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Adventures of Fundraising

For my third post for the day, I want to discuss fundraising. So final love: Fundraising for something you believe in.

I'm not sure if I have told you all, but I am involved with a wonderful group of women entrepreneurs that brings costumes on the road for Labor Day Carnival in New York City. Within the past year, I have been allowed into that process from beginning to end. Pause~ Let me tell you, there is LOADS more anxiety that goes into making and distributing costumes. But that I will save for another post because I am SURE it will come to pass in September. Play~ So in making moves to get our section going, I have been charged with the sponsorship/fundraising piece of the process. Pause~ I know most would be upset/disappointed with such a task. However, I am naturally a seller. This is one of my strong points which I love. Play~ So being that I have my own business that casts a wide net to other businesses I went into overdrive to getting this together.

Like any salesman, I sent out my feelers and waited for responses. Of course, there were loads of positive responses and then there were the rejections that shocked me. NOW I got some information and translated that back to the women I am in business with. Pause~ This sounds boring but it gets better. Play~ Fast forward to a meeting we had with our band leaders. We meet, I draft questions (like anyone would) and ask for information regarding sponsorship etc. What's interesting about asking questions to these ladies is that everything can appear as either secretive and/or not done. Pause~ These are intelligent women, hands down. They have a goal, they move forward and sometimes translate accordingly. Play~ So in sitting in this meeting, I asked and was told we would receive the list of sponsors they were going after.

In the grand scheme of things readers, I was NEVER expecting this list. However, now its interesting because as I predicted we (as in the band and my section) are going after not only the same sponsors but the same contacts. Counter productive I know. So now here we are, less than a month from our band launch Pause~ Happening June 12th at 6PM! Inquire within for tickets! Play~ and now I have to back track on the possible sponsors to see if they will still help my section out. Interesting task right!? Well we shall see how this goes!
Begging for change,
Annie P

Mother's Day - The Drama that is Mrs. P

Ok so the coveted hallmark holiday known as Mother's Day was this past weekend. Now there are two things that I love about this holiday. 1) We (the P family) get together and make jokes etc and 2) Mommy P gets to have her way on that day. Pause~ She gets her way every other day but there is a greater influence on that day. Play~

As discussed, my past couple of weeks have been super busy. In saying that, the whole Mothers Day planning fell to one of my other siblings. Anyway, in planning I received a text message about a location and time to be there. Pause~ Mothers Day weekend is always a whirlwind. In that there is everything and anything going on. Including one of my good friends birthday celebrations. Play~ Anyway, move to Saturday morning, and my mom calls me while I'm waiting to start getting my do did and she immediately begins complaining. Pause~ My mother is the queen of mothers day drama! Not ONE year has passed that she doesn't have some sort of issue and/or complaint. Its like of all the holidays to be upset/picky over, this is the one she chooses. Play~ So like any good daughter would, I sat and listened intently as she went on and on and on about what she expects and what needs to be done etc.

Now post this conversation I reach out to my dad and we of course begin to laugh. Not because my mom is a joke but because this is such a non-descript holiday and she always manages to give us some sort of heartburn. So my dad confirms what I know to be true and we move forward. my arrival back to my house at 6:30AM on Sunday morning, I slept for two hours and got up to go to brunch with my mom. At brunch we laugh, we joke and then we all disperse to our locations. So on the way home my mom begins to ask me about my dating life. Pause~ This is weird even for my mom. She is not the type to ask about the specifics. She is more of the parent who just wants to know its going on. Any additional information I would have to volunteer willingly. Play~

So we begin to discuss and the topic of celibacy comes up. And she laughs HARD! Now I wasn't shocked at this. Pause~ For those of you who do not know Mommy P she is very inappropriate. And not in a rude way but in the sense that she says what she wants. Play~ Shocked at her reaction, my mom then continues to tell me that I need to "get my shit together."

So with that...I don't know exactly what I'm going to do but to save myself from another encounter like that I am going to do as she said. LOL

Annie P

P.S. Happy Mothers Day to all the mommies out there! You are appreciated!

Love, Sex & Other Drugs

Well I have a great deal to catch you guys up on. Sorry life has taken over. So this is going to be post 1 of 3 for the day. Love: Love, Sex & Other Drugs

Well guys, the dating life of Annie P has slowed substantially. And while it slowed down I've had the chance to really think about the things that I like, love etc. And while deep in thought, I recently ran into a guy that I didn't even notice was there. His name is K. This man is nice, God fearing and all those things that you want in a man. And as of recent we have been speaking etc. Pause~ I know I give a great deal of talk about the men I meet but this guy surprised me. Play~

So on Saturday, after getting my hair done he calls and asked me to come see him. I go and we have a great conversation about life, where he is, where I am and we came to the conclusion that we would may want to work on something. Pause~ Hmm Play~ So now here we are Monday morning, and I haven't heard from him since Saturday. Now usually, I would cast a man off for a callous act like this but I mean I respect the fact that his is busy. And he also respects the fact that I am busy. However, while speaking with my good friend this morning, and filling her in on my weekend she called me a "man eater." Pause~ Man eater? How so? What part of my actions say this? Totally confused! Play~

While sitting on the phone trying to defend myself, I realized according to her definition maybe I was. In all I think that I am in love with love! I love (and use that word quite often) being in the thick of a good relationship. When thinking about the beginnings of a relationship, I love the idea of getting to know that man. And having the butterflies take over. The beginnings of pet names and long talks about life, goals and whatever. To me the beginnings are always so poetic! Nothing can ruin it until you know someone messes it up with jealousy or envy. Pause~ Hence why celibacy has been an excellent move for me. No complications because you arent getting any and neither is the next dude that you know I'm talking to. Play~ However, when coming to my love for the day, I use the term to manifest a sense of carefree-ness! Nothing is better than knowing that you are that bumblebee that can buzz one way and then buzz on to the next! Its springtime this is what us bees do!

However, I really don't like the term "man eater." So I'm casting this out to you guys. Do you think little old Annie P is a man eater?

Buzzing about,
Annie P

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It All Started With A Dress

So yesterday, my whole night got shifted around. Pause~ Usually I can get very annoyed but in that moment I realized what a blessing it was. Play~ One thing that I have not said throughout my 365 blog challenge is how my new job is going. On that note, love for the day: Knowing exactly what space you belong in.

For those who are unaware, Annie P was originally going to be a doctor/MD. My journey in medicine originated with my mom. Pause~ Awesomeness begins with my mom. Next to Oprah and Carla Harris my mom is my modern day she-rah. Play~ And I went through all of the proper channels to getting to Dr. Annie P. I'm talking medical science program in high school, all science classes in undergraduate, MCAT class and test, applications to med schools and finally acceptances. Pause~ Yes, I did get in. Shocker even for me. However in hindsight, I am more proud of myself for getting in. Most do not and I can say I did all I needed to and got into some ivys. Play~ However, after coming out of undergrad and seeing my peers in med school, I decided to take a "break." Not because I didn't want to go, but there were so many things that I forfeited in undergrad for my med school dream. (ie. traveling, money...overall life).

Well within the first year I worked, traveled and made money. It was awesome. However, within that health care communications space, I realized two things. 1) I didn't like communications on the healthcare side and 2) health care was getting boring. So as a result, I left that space (or rather was forced out) and moved to the public sector of health care recruiting. Pause~ Health care recruiting is a small niche space. One thing I took from that experience is that you have to be comfortable in your own skin and your word is all you have! Play~ Within that space I can honestly say, I met the most unsavory people on the planet. And let me be real, there are diamonds in the rough but these were rocks on the way to coals hoping to become diamonds. So after being there for a year, I finally realized where I should be. Private sector...recruiting. Pause~ This is not an open forum to "hook up" anyone with work. lol...but seriously. Play~

Ok forward to last night. Radio was cancelled, hair appointment was unsuccessful so I decided to go and get some work appropriate wear for the office. Pause~ Of course I am a bigger lady so there is a very calculated approach to shopping for work clothes. In all, not my favorite activity. I'm too small for the real big lady clothes but too big for the cutesy small lady clothes. See the problem. Play~ So I get into Bloomingdales and head straight to, what I like to call, the "fat lady section." Now whats dismal about this section is that there is always very little selection in the store. BUT its hard to by online because as a bigger lady you always have to try on. So luckily I was able to acquire two wonderful dresses right within the budget. Pause~ You don't want to even know what the budget is. Play~

Then I approached the shoe department. One anecdotal thing I love about shoes "They don't discriminate and always take you where you need to go." So I get to the shoe floor and immediately head to my favorite designers (Coach and Cole Haan). While I stood and debated buying $150 nude pumps it dawned on me...summer is coming and everything is "right." Pause~ I know that seems excessive; however, as a bigger lady (again) I'm all about quality over quantity. One pair of really good pumps is better than three pairs of marginal pumps. Work is where you should present your best self. Play~ So I quickly put down the pump and left that department and headed straight to the jewelry floor. Ahhh the jewelry floor. One place of amazement and grandour. No need to bore you with the purchases but know that some lovely pearls were purchased.

In the end, I left Bloomingdales (bags in hand) with a sense of accomplishment. Not only because I was able to make some incredible purchases but because I had realized that I was happy with the progression of my career. I had now found a space that I belonged to. Not only in the literal sense but in the overall. I can do a snapshot of my department and see that there are at least seven women that are partners and two are African American. That's awesome!

In the end, while mapping out my career goals I can honestly say that although the goal changed the path was/is amazing. I cant wait to see what comes up next.

Living day to day,
Annie P

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trump This!

So wonderful readers, last night I was on my way home from work at 10PM and I ran into one of my friends from junior high school. Random but an interesting run in.  Pause~ This new job is awesome but I can see that the hours needed will slowly but surely make "living" a little bit difficult. But alas this is what I wanted so I'm going to take it. Play~

So JHS and I were not the best of friends as a matter of fact we were just "hi and bye" friends. Pause~ Its weird running into people like that. I'm a friendly person but you will see why this interaction was weird in a second. Play~ So we meet up on a letter train in between the city and Brooklyn. And so JHS sees me and asks me if I went to Philippa Schuyler. So of course I say yes and then she identifies me by name. So we give that big hi smile. She sits down next to me and we begin to catch up. Now we are speaking and we begin to laugh and joke and I realize this girl is completely and utterly FAKE! Pause~ You ever run into someone and everything you say they feel the need to trump you? This was this time. Play~ EVERYTHING I SAID SHE HAD TO TOP! I mean was in a dick measuring contest with no dick.

So by the time we reached my stop...home girl straight up looks and go "You live over here?" [insert sarcasm and semi-disgust]. NOW....y'all know I wanted to snuff her right where she stood BUT no one was going to get the best of me on my cool down time. So I answered "yes" and got off the train. Pause~ Being tired really saves lives/egos. Because if I was in my well rested state I would have said something really really rude. Play~ Well post this interaction, I get home and call one of my friends who I have been close to since we were in junior high school and begin to tell her about what happened. And she begins to tell me everything about this girl including what was truth and what was "stretched." Pause~ I knew JHS was lying in some way or another but really I didn't care. She could have been living that fabulous life. WE ALL DESERVE FABULOSITY! Play~

I'm not going to say that being "hated on" means I've made it. However, its unfortunate that she held on to whatever she felt that I "did" or "didn't" do to her from junior high school. What makes this even more weird is that I really really really DO NOT think about things from the past. I have always had a very cavalier and nonchalant attitude towards things/people/events. If it doesn't directly concern me or someone close to me I'm really not that concerned. Pause~ This was a harsh reality that was brought to my attention recently. I didn't know that at first interaction people think that I either don't like them or am mean. And until the moment they got to know me, they then realized I just don't care. I'm all about fun, success and good times. Nothing more nothing less. Play~

In the end, I'm not angry at JHS or even concerned really but just confused. I'm no one to compete with. I live my life with triumphs and failures. I am no exception to any rule in terms of love, life and the pursuit of happiness. So its weird when I meet people who try and "trump" me. Hmm guess such is life.

Anyway happy with who you are and what you do!

The Human Annie P

Monday, May 2, 2011

Updates on the Young & the Restless

Now in Annie P news....Things on the dating front are going OKAY! As my favorite author would say, "Life is neither ugly or beautiful but original." And I have truly been living that sentiment. Pause~ I think I should have a section in the NYTs. "Annie P Updates" Thoughts? (lol) Play~

First up, things with the Young Man are progressing rather nicely. We have been out a couple of times and have had a multitude of phone conversations. We have a great deal in common. And its clear that we are learning from one another slowly but surely. So while speaking on the phone with him last night, he told me that he told his father about me. Pause~ Insert shiver and silence. I was not expecting that so soon. Play~ In retrospect, I guess I have to appreciate that since we have been speaking regularly but it was weird to hear it come out his mouth. He continued to say, that his dad expressed an interest to meet me. Pause again~ Whoa. Play~ Now, I am sitting on the phone and thinking about what this means. I mean we are not getting married, physical or anything like that. But doesn't this mean that we are going into a next phase? Hmm, something that is on my mind.

As for Fine Man, we saw each other this weekend and had a good time. Pause~ The first time of four dates. Play~ It was nothing special at all. Just good conversation and easy laughs. And as we were hanging out, outside close to both of our apartments, I realized this was all that I wanted in terms of a "date" with him. And in the same instance, it came to me that I do not want to date this man. Not because of the terrible dates, but we are not meant to move past friendship. Nothing in me jumped when we saw each other. So unfortunately, he is the wild salmon that I am throwing back to the other fishermen. Pause~ I'm not closed off to us being together but I am not going to force what is not there. Play~

Ghana Revisited has been put back to sea as well. Long story short, its over. LOL hes a Fascist. And I don't do Stalin-like behaviors. Pause~ I can tell y'all more about that in a post especially dedicated to him named "The Reign of Stalin." I have been working on this for days and I need a real picture taken by moi to close it off. Play~ So that's over and I'm happy I didn't have to like resort to a restraining order or like police action.

In the end, I'm taking things slow and moving things from one column to another, figuratively speaking. So what's on the horizon? Who knows! Am I excited? Sure.

Annie P

Buried at Sea

Hello blog world! So today is epic for so many reasons. Love today: Seeing things go as they should!

In world news, Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden has been killed and buried at sea. Pause~ For those who are not well versed on the reign of Osama please see the NYT nine page print obituary OR the seven page obituary on the NYT website. Play~ While home last night, I got a text from a friend who let me know that Osama had been killed and captured by the US. So I immediately switched to CNN to watch the media coverage and await the president's address to the country. However, while watching the celebration and revelry amongst US citizens in the different cities I could not help but feel disgust. I am not one to celebrate the death of a man. Now I get it, Osama has been "Public Enemy No. 1" since at least 1988. However, is this what we, Americans, have come to? Celebrating the death of a man? Pause~ Am I an Obama fan/enthusiast? Yes, always have been and always will be. Do/have I followed every news story, book and magazine publication surrounding this 10 year war? Yes, always! Just because its not in my backyard does NOT mean you should not know whats going on. Play~ Trust, I was just as devastated as all Americans on September 11th, 2001. I remember down to my outfit and what class I was in. However, when speaking with select people Pause~ I do not talk politics with people. Its sensitive and not a smart thing to do. That's how you lose friends. Play~ I realized most do not know what the hell is going on in the world. HOW CAN THIS BE?! Yes, I am happy Osama has been taken down. BUT how about the man has been in kidney failure for years. And how about Al Queda has a whole COUNCIL that is managed by atleast two leaders, Mullah Muhammad Omar (leader of the council) and Ayman Al-Zawahri (Al Queda's No. 2 Leader). I mean hmm...lets talk about that. Pause~ Rant done. Play~ In the end, I want people to realize that this is what happens in leadership rings.

So now that all of this has been said, I had a conversation with a friend of mine we will name "PC Ignorant." Some background on PCI. PCI is a twenty-something college graduate. She is well versed in a myriad of things and has a strong opinion. Pause~ Many people have told me that I have a presence that can not be messed with. However, when meeting/becoming close with others who have that same presence I have been forced (willingly) to be quiet and listen. Play~ So anyway, she is a great person to have meaningful discussion with. So as the news flew about Osama's death and burial, she was one of the first to call me due to my respect for Osama. Pause~ I am NOT an Osama supporter. However, for one man to be so powerful over a "superpower" there is something to said. Play~ So of course, she begins to speak about how patriotic she feels and how essentially she will be under the Obama administration one way or another. Pause~ I always giggle when people say this. We are all working under the Obama administration in my eyes. We are all part of a system of change. No matter if you are in government directly, banking, education, etc. When decisions are made they all trickle down to you in some form. Play~

Anyway, the conversation continues and then I say, "Well I guess my international travel plans are on hold." and she says "Why would they be?" And I paused. {looks at phone} Huh? Pause~ I'm not one to judge but I mean based on the conversation we were having and knowing the destinations I was planning, she should have known...right? Play~ Needless to say, I stopped talking and let her rant about the change that she sees coming. Blah blah. Pause~ Back to my original rule, do not speak politics with friends. Play~ And at the end of that conversation, I decided that I should reserve conversations like this for those who I know can be objective and thoughtful.

In the end, I am so proud of President Obama. Most are aware of how epic this event is, but in my eyes I def have a sound appreciation for the President I help to put in office. Not because of him being African American or because he has a strong family unit BUT because he has a strong political agenda. Pause~ I do not agree with every portion of the agenda but I respect the hard decisions. Play~

So on to the love, when things move as they should both politically and personally I get very happy.

Living life,
Annie P