Friday, April 15, 2011

Conversations Last Night

Men.....are...interesting! There are very few men that I ever say that about; however, over the past couple weeks more and more have become the focus of my "you are interesting" talks. So before I for the day: Spotting the BULL!

Last night I was speaking with a friend of mine and we were speaking about our current love "situations." Now in speaking about love and life with this friend we always manage to make declarations and new decisions on what we are going to do. Me with "man" and her with her dude who we will name "The VP of Hot." Now let me tell you about the VP of Hot (who we shall refer to as VPoH). Pause~ I usually don't pass judgement on anyone...but when someone is full of malarkey...there is something to be said. Play~ So VPoH is an attractive man, loads of talent, smart, well-spoken (from what I can tell) and an amazing lover (so I'm told). Now there are always negatives in any person but VPoH is just one of those men who is just gives nothing. Pause~ Not my place to put an opinion forward. Don't really care to. He is not my priority my friend is. So that's that on that. Play~

So blog land, last night I saw a picture of the "competition" and literally was STARING at this picture for 38 and 1/2 minutes! (Yes I timed it). Not only is she nothing to write home about BUT she was just REGULAR! [Definition of "regular" - WACK ON ALL SIDES! MARGINALLY ATTRACTIVE! COULD BE SMART BUT JUST..UGH...REGUALR] And even though this is none of my business, I stared at her picture so hard like I did when I finally saw the picture of the woman "man" was messing with. Pause~ You know this is always about me! Play~ When I saw the woman that "man" had left me for, Pause~ Yes a man left me...CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!!? HA! Poor fella! Play~ I was so enamoured because she was so BASIC! As in nothing special. She was OLD, lacked education, demonstrated piss poor decision skills and eventually turned out crazy. So when I saw this come full circle with VPoH and my friend, I just knew men are SO FOOLISH and it wasn't just me! Is this is a new trend amongst men? Do they all just leave whats great for whats MARGINAL?

Anyway, as we examined this picture, of course we cracked massive jokes. Pause~ I mean we are women. By no means were we hating BUT we know what the truth friend is better. Play~ However, after sleeping on this, I saw "man" this morning and just knew that he, like VPoH, are the truest form of bullshit. So in terms of the love for today, I am just glad that this realization has come sooner than later. Pause~ I mean for me, the word "sooner" is something of a joke being that its almost 10 years later and I'm JUST picking up on the foolishness. Play~

In the end, my favorite breakup quote is as follows. Pause~ I went into serious self help mode when I broke up with "man." Not because I was intensely sad, but because I knew there was something out there to help guide me through this experience. I am very type A. I dont play when it comes to my emotional state. Play~

"The dark of night does not come after the golden glow of the day's sun but before it."

I dont know why that resonates with me so much. Maybe its because on the day I read that quote, I had a terrible weekend because of something "man" said. And on Monday the best string of events began. Got a call for my fab new job, met a great guy (well who I thought was a great guy) and had weighed in 7lbs lighter. So in the end, yes the night before is dark and gloomy but the glow of the next day was AMAZING!

Anyway love bugs, I just hope that VPoH and "man" find all that they need. I make a solemn promise to pray for them daily; however, judgement always follows those who judge.

Until next time,
The Friday Version of Annie P

PS. Today is the date with the younger man....hmmm...pray for me!

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