Friday, April 8, 2011

Three Times & You're OUT!

Hmph...needless to say this post is going to be an interesting one. First off, my apologies on pause in blogging. The new gig has picked up substantially; therefore, leaving little time during the day to do the things I want to do like blog. Well on to the love for today: Enough is enough

So in moving forward with my dating spectrum a great deal has changed. I have stopped the "juggle" as I politely put it in my last blog entry. So below is a short recap for you..

1) Suitor: Um lets say we are on "pause." He has not taken a liking to the fact that there are "other men" that are competing for my free time. Pause~ This kind of fed into the pause because I cant stand a man with little confidence. Be aggressive! Don't give up! Like why would I want to continue dating you if you "quit" on me so easily. Play~

2) Ghana Revisited: What do I say about this man...Well we went out on a date to discuss the things he read on this here blog. And needless to say he was not happy with the commentary. So of course, I did the polite thing and told him that it was all my thoughts and I share it will all of like 15 people so he shouldn't be too concerned. that talk he has been working really really hard to show me his "softer" side, as he put it. So I don't know what is in store but I mean I haven't kicked him to the curb completely.

3) Crix: Pause~ I know you must be asking yourself "what the hell is this lame ass man doing in Annie P's life still?" Well hmmm listen to this! Play~ This man is relentless! After my brazen and rude tone, he definitely did not call/text for a few days. HOWEVER, as the old adage says "men don't leave." So my man found himself calling everyday.....are y'all reading...EVERYDAY until I picked up to apologize for that conversation. Now by no means is he back in the running BUT I did have to accept his it is the good Christian thing to do. Pause~ Yes Annie P has some religion (lol) Play~ As for the "friend" who was giving him insider trading tips on me...that's a post for another time.

Ok and please forgive me for this...I vowed to not write about him but I am...FINE MAN (shivers)!
Fine Man: HMMMMM.....We went on two dates. Both were mediocre. I don't know what it is about him. Pause~ By no means am I holding onto this man because of what he does or how much he makes. I am interested in him because he is smart and aggressive which I enjoy. Add that to his overall fineness and we are talking AMAZING! HA! Play~ He is great on the way to work and in mid-day chit chat. But one on one the brother needs work! And because I know I'm not planning on sharing any part of this blog with him...below are the deets.

Date #1
We go to a cute tapas place in the LES. Very cute...very chic...all around undiscovered gem. We sit down he of course got there before me and begins to drink. So when I arrive (15 mins late) he definitely tried to be warm and order me a drink. Pause~ Don't worry my quest to take a drinking hiatus was in full effect! Play~ I politely said no and got a white wine spritzer. NOW...we sit down talking and this guy is being a total JERK! So like any true West Indian girl, I had to check that instantly. The exact quote was "I know you have to be this way due to the nature of your job but please turn that jerk shit off for a minute." Pause~ I am not..I repeat am NOT a difficult date; however, I will not be talked down to. Play~ So he apologizes and we continue the date. In the end, I had to shut a lot of things down and basically we kind of ended on an awkward note because I couldn't get past how rocky the date was.

Date #2
We went to a GREAT rezzie in midtown! Awesome food, great ambiance BUT this man stayed on his work blackberry the entire time. Pause~ Work is important and I am a busy woman too. I mean it was Thursday! I could have stayed at work and/or been on my work blackberry as well. However, when I agree to meet someone I agree to give them my uninterrupted attention. Play~ This was a major turn off. We ended the date with me telling him "Next time if you are busy and can not get away, let me know I'm a grown up I can take a cancellation."

In the end, he is a great guy with loads of potential; BUT, I don't know...there is so much negative already. Pause~ He's no gremlin or sexist but I mean its so weird when you go on two terrible dates. Like what the hell do you do? Play~ So I don't know how to assess that just yet but we have ONE last date. I'm giving this one more shot before I make a decision. Man this dating this is TOUGH!

Le Sigh,
Annie P

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