Monday, April 25, 2011

Distant Memories of...

This post is dedicated to all those who took a moment this weekend to smell the roses. So this weekend was good for the most part. I wont bother you all with the work details but I had a great time none the less. Love today: Distant Memories Resurrected.

The funny things about distant memories is that they always find a way to manifest themselves whenever you see, smell, say, laugh or just sit. And this weekend happened to be one of those where I had a lot of good/bad memories find themselves on my membrane. Because I haven't blogged since Thursday...bullets will be the focus.
  • On Friday, my good friend Vexy and I had an interesting gchat conversation while I was getting my wig tightened. Pause~ Vexy is good for some good old foolishness! We have been able to sit and talk about everything but when it comes to talking shit we are masters. Play~ So we sat on gchat and the conversation started off so simple (about books). Then somehow, as things always do, we shifted to airports and airlines we hated. Which OF COURSE drifted over to men. (LOL). Pause~ I don't know how this happens. Either my friends and I are hyper-sexual OR just that random. Either way, somehow, some way, we are right back here. Play~ And we began to speak about men we either conquered or vanquished (lol). Pause~ No "wishing"...the ladies I rock with come, see, conquer, discard and move forth. Play~ The funny thing about this is that post this talk I began to go through my phone book and paused on one name [SIGH].....hmm debated calling but then stopped..."things" like that shouldn't be toyed with.
  • Saturday, I worked as per usual BUT I did get to see some wonderful people that I have the privilege to have in my life. Pause~ So I have a wife. I have written about her in a previous post about "Single Moms" and she is awesome. Hence why we are married. Play~ Anyway, with seeing these RATCHET people we caught up, reminisced and just had a good time. The distant memory that surfaced were the days of undergraduate life. We had a GOOD TIME! I mean "ridiculosity" was never a factor. We did it and did it BIG! Pause~ I know everyone likes to think that their experience was the best but really....ours still stands the test of time. We lived! Play~
  • Saturday night, had a baaaddddd night! Basically, because of "man." Pause~ It always comes back to him. I don't know how I am still here! Play~ There are rumors circulating about me. He may not be the person spreading said rumors HOWEVER because of his piss poor decisions in the past 9 months here I am...everyones 10 o'clock news update. Pause~ No need to revisit what is being said. But there is something to say about piss poor decision making at this stage in life. I began to hate "man" but decided whatever, not worth it. This is nothing I'm not used to. Sad but true. Play~ So I had a minor meltdown. My wife was there to help me through it and I moved on and went to bed. Distant memory here: Rumors will always exist. People don't want to see anyone happy and/or just at homeostasis. So there are Annie P rumors...I'm just moving on.
  • Sunday morning, 4:45AM on the way to the airport and I get a text message from Fine Man. "Cant wait for you to come back. Call me!" Pause~ Why? Play~ So like any text message that comes in that early in the morning you get ignored. Anyway, in the airport on a layover, thinking about a lot of stuff and then it happens......get the call from dude from bullet one! Pause~ God is a woman. Play~ He calls to catch up and ask me on a date! Y'!
Needless to say, this weekend was good. I had both good and bad happen but in the end the good out weighed the bad. So this weeks mantra...

“A memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”

Building the next memory,
Annie P

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