Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday's Bliss

As I sit at my desk this wonderful Wednesday, I couldn't help but smile. So the love for today all: Bliss!

First off, my apologies for not blogging yesterday. There was a ton to be done on the professional and personal side. Which, in turn, lead to a day of no blog posts. But alas, the 365 challenge to understanding what makes me me continues. Pause~ For those who recently tuned in, this blog was started because I am on a quest to understanding what makes me the woman I am today via the "loves" for that day. Unfortunately, I stopped counting BUT that's a good thing. Play~

Anyway, today I left home at the usual time and came to work early (again as usual) and sat down to adjust my week. Of course, I got my usual slew of texts from suitor, Crix, Fine Man, Young Man, Driver and Ghana Revisited. Pause~ Hmmm...never realized how many are on the text rotation. LOL Play~  However, today I didnt even bother answering. I'm declaring this day "Annie P's Day." No men, no fuss, no muss....I'm going to do whatever I want to do today!

I know you must be thinking, I do what I want anyway. But really I don't! And that's kind of scary. Pause~ I literally have to schedule in when I'm going to like "drop off the earth" for a day. Like seriously, in the Poppycock it says "Drop off Earth - All Day" Play~ And even worse, recently a phenomenon has come up when unscheduled activities have been popping up and it totally throws off my entire day. Pause~ For the average working woman, such is life. But this is insane. Play~ So today, I woke up with a determination to take some time to myself today.

Annie P

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