Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Eatocracy = Peace

Taking a shift from the usual dating banter to discuss something that has become a large part of my life..Eating! For those of you who have checked out my profile, you will see that Annie P is not a small woman. As a matter of fact, I am a thick/big-boned/jammed packed/plus-sized woman. Pause~ For those who have read my "being my own celebrity" post you can see that I LOVE my body! There is always room for improvement; but, I love me and I love the way I look. Play~ However, now that I am getting older there are certain things that have become apparent. 1) Food and my body are not always on the same page. 2) My love for food/cooking has become a passion. 3) Pairings and experience are always on time.

Number One: Food and my body are not always on the same page.
- For the purposes of this post, I will not divulge too far into my personal health; but for some time food has become my worst enemy. Its has come to a point where I eat handfuls of food and am done for the entire day. Pause~ I'm not dying [praise Jesus] but there is some kind of war between my taste buds and my stomach that I am still trying to remedy with a Peace Treaty. Play~ So one day in speaking with my dad and then my friend, Fatal Angel, I have begun a new ritual for food. This ritual came down to organic and cooked food...EVERYDAY! Now for those of you who know me...busy is my middle name. Pause~ I'm not sure when I got THIS busy but it happened. And to be honest, I'm tired of hearing that old adage about "people make time for the things they want to do" PLEASE...the thing I want to do is sleep and you damn right I make time for that. Play~ So this journey to cooking and looking for specific ingredients/additives in food began and I thought I was going to HATE this entire process. However, to my surprise this challenge became a wonderful experience. I am in love with the idea of  scouring the supermarket to get not only great tasting ingredients but the RIGHT ingredients.

Number Two: My love for food/cooking has become a passion.
- With my quest for great ingredients, my zest for cooking has become a wonderful experience. Pause~ I am no master chef like my sister, Elizabeth Taylor. That chick can throwdown! Play~ Being raised in a West Indian family, there are certain traditions that you can rely on. A clean house and Sunday dinner. So learning to infuse my families traditions within my own space has been fun. As a result, I have been trying a myriad of new cuisines. Today's adventure will be Vietnamese. [pics to come later].

Number Three: Pairings and experience are always on time.
- So in dating... Pause~ I know I said I wasn't going to talk about dating...but I...I just had to do it for this part. (lol) Play~ Hmm, I have come to realize that great company enhances the food. And in most instances within dating, poor company and/or a bad setting has made the food terrible. Therefore, I have taken to a new principle.

- No date (specifically a meal) shall take place unless you have been vetted by management.

Now I know you may be thinking, 1) Annie P is being ridiculous and 2) Who the hell is management? Well readers, let me tell you one thing. I, Annie P, am not ridiculous! What I have learned during my short dating spree is that men are, for lack of a better word, callous. So in trying to ensure that I am "having a good time" some things like chivalry and pleasantries can fall through the cracks. Therefore, the second half of that statement becomes the most IMPORTANT part of my dating experience. Management aka "Annie P's 20 Questions" Pause~ Yes, I do have 20 questions LITERALLY! I am very no nonsense when it comes to that. In fact, the reason for my difficulty is that I cherish my free time. Therefore, investment into another person means that I lose more of the little time I have for me. Play~ These questions address everything from personality type to family lineage. It seems extensive, I know, but have you heard of the Craigslist Killer? Ok then. So once a man passes these barriers a meal can happen. Now what occurs on said date is another thing. BUT at least I know I can enjoy my meal.

In the end, I have named my new food journey "Eatocracy." I consider this phase the beginning to finding a new kind of peace. So goodbye to the following:

- "man" & all that drama
- Mrs. Indecis
- Urban Management
- Crix

New things on the horizon.

Until Later,
Annie P. & her camera

PS. Rebs has been jealous shes been left out the blog. Took new pics and I'm going to upload soon!

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