Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The New Old Guy [swoons]

Ok I know I usually do one post a day but I had to put this one up. You're girl Annie P is in a swooning kind of mood.

So remember the man I spoke about in the post about ? stated he called when I was on my way back to NYC on Sunday. So of course we spoke, and I def told him I passed his number in my phone and just decided not to call. Pause~ This is a number I could NEVER get rid of. In the end, everyone (men and women) have a number in your cell phone/phonebook that you can not get rid of. For no reason you can't describe it just has to stay. Play~

We shall name this man Forbidden Fruit. Now a little background on our man FF. Mr. Fruit is older than me, attractive (swoons), has a job, one child and has great conversation. Pause~ Yes a job is amazing, kid whatever BUT great conversation is a definite win! Play~ Myself and FF met like five years ago via a very good friend of mine.  Pause~ I am no cheater...stop! Play~ And we became friends. Like would hang out, talk and IM. Pause~ I went to school in Tennessee, so the majority of my time for those four years were spent away from NYC. Play~  Well as time went on and our friendship grew, FF eventually told me he liked me. So like any woman, I told him that it wasn't possible and had to distance myself. Pause~ If I knew that "man" would have fucked me over years later....hmm no time for the shoulda coulda wouldas though. Play~

Fast forward to Sunday. We are on the phone for my two hour layover and he lets me know that he heard about my relationship ending. Pause~ Again 10 o'clock news. Play~ Then he lets me know that he didn't believe what was being said and I thanked him for knowing me better than that. So anyway, we are talking and then the topic of going on a date comes up. Pause~ A sister is TIRED of going on dates. Like I know that's ironic to say as most women (so I hear) are dying for dates. But really, I'm fatigued. Play~ And I had to tell him that I am really busy between work and my other activities. Of course disappointment in his voice sets in and I have to give in. Pause~ My policy is to try and make time for those who are willing to invest in you. And he is worth the investment. So here we are. Play~ However, whats awesome about FF is THAT he then said the following:

"I respect your time. I know your busy. If its ten minutes, one hour, or a day I will take whatever I can get."

How do you say no to that!? Well...needless to say a date is planned. However, in my new spurt of celibacy I will need to get myself in order! Pause~ Hence the name assigned Forbidden Fruit Play~ So more to come on that loves!

Happy Wednesday!
A Swooning Annie P

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