Friday, April 1, 2011

Confessions of a Brooklyn Girl - Part II

Ok so today was THE day! I got on my timed train and guess who was there...the fine man! So as per usual, I was listening to my iPod except this morning I was listening to my main man Sanchez.

Now...I was going to just say "hi" but I didn't think that was the right approach. So we road the train from Brooklyn to Manhattan and then as we were getting off at our stop, I dropped my iPod. Pause~ Don't you love when the fates align and they do something AMAZING in the sake of you meeting a fine man?! I do! Play~ So he bends down in the hustle and bustle and picks it up and gives it to me. So here is how the encounter went.

- Fine man picks up Annie P's iPod -

Annie P: Thank you!

FM: You're welcome. (smiles)

Annie P: I see you every morning. What is your name?

FM: (takes a look at me)...[Fine Man]

Annie P: Nice to meet name is [Annie P]. I have been seeing you, so I figured I should introduce myself.

FM: Yes I see you every morning...dancing on the train. If you don't mind what are you listening to?

Annie P: A variety of things but mostly soca and reggae.

FM: Interesting morning music. Where do you work in this building?

Annie P: [insert company name and floor]

FM: I'm in the building over at [insert company name and floor]

Annie P: Oh ok. You must be a [insert profession]. Well it was great meeting you.

FM: And I see you know a lot about [insert sector]. It is nice meeting you as well. Hope I see you on Monday.

Annie P: Same time..same door

FM: (smiles) Pause~ His smile is ON POINT! Play~ Well do you have a card?

Annie P: Pause~ DAMN!!!!!! Left my card holder at home! Play~ No but I can take yours.

FM: (pulls out card out of Ferragamo wallet) Pause~ I'm no label whore. However, due to my friendship with a good friend of mine, DE, I am well informed on men's apparel and accessories. Times like this I am glad that he makes me go on shopping trips with him. Play~  Are you going to call?

Annie P: Yes I will.

FM: Time to get to my desk. Hope to hear from you.

Annie P: Me too. Have a good day.

- End Scene -

OH....MY...GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now I have this card staring at me on my desk. And its not one of those cheap business cards...its one of those good paper/card stock business cards. So now the question is do I call or email today? Or rather do I just wait to call tomorrow? Pause~ I'm usually not flustered by anything such as this; however, this seems very orchestrated. So I need to have calculated moves. Hmm Play~

Anyway readers, I guess the mystery about who he is, is over. I will update you all on the progress.

Signing off,
Detective Annie P

1 comment:

  1. I think you should call him today! makes no sense to wait! no games playing! so if you feel u want to call him! call him! 2011.. women rock
