Thursday, March 31, 2011

So I Went on Safari

So as promised, I went on a date with Ghana Revisited and it was interesting event. Today's love may be a repeat but I will say it. Love: Having an open heart.

It has become apparent that being on my dating quest has its benefits. I'm not going to take the time to list because for those reading, I know that you know the ups and downs of dating. Anyway, last night I managed to squeeze in a date with GR. Now if you remember from my previous post "Borrowed Time" he kind of overstepped his boundary. Pause~ After thinking about that conversation I had with GR I decided that maybe I was a little too "harsh." So I decided to forgive and try to forget. Play~ Now usually readers, I block off a substantial amount of time for any date for the obvious reasons. However, yesterday was extremely hectic. So unfortunately, GR had a window of about one hour.

So anyway, we meet at this quaint little dessert place in Little Italy. Pause~ Creativity is awesome! Wins major points in my book. And don't be fooled, dessert is not "creative" but having the ability to take me to a place I do NOT know is a win. Play~ So we are seated and he opens the menu and of course the waiter asks if we know what we want to drink. Pause~ I have a rule about first dates and drinking. I try not to. However, when in Rome... Play~ So like any man, he orders for the both of us. So immediately, I began to set up my face because I absolutely loath when someone ruins my experience; but then...BUT THEN...he ordered in ITALIAN! WHOA! So at that moment I sat back and let the ordering commence.

Well dessert and wine arrives and we begin to talk. I inquire about where he learned Italian and he tells me. He asks me about work and my plans for the rest of the week which of course is work and the myriad of other things I do. And then he asks the question I HATE...which leads to the following back and forth.

GR: I have a question. I usually don't ask but I compelled to ask you because I'm starting to like you. Pause~ I never believe when a man says this to me. You ALWAYS ask you just dont want me to think that you are prying. Play~

Annie P: Ask away..

GR: Are you speaking to any other guys right now?

Annie P: Before I answer, Pause~ You know I was thinking of the right thing to do right. LOL Play~ can I ask why you are asking?

GR: Well I'm at a stage where I want to be exclusive with someone. And I try not to date in vein. As of right now, I am speaking to one other woman. She and I are going "ok" but I know that its on the road to dissipating.

Annie P: Well hmm....I am speaking to other men. I never kept that from you. As far as "exclusivity" hmm...I will need to define this according to the way I think. Pause~ I made a solemn promise to myself to never let myself get caught up in a situation with a man where he can say "You never told me that." So please excuse the honesty...if it offends you then sorry. Play~ Exclusivity to me means that you have first dibs to my "free" time. Meaning you are my steady. I don't want a relationship. That's too heavy for me right now being that my situation is what it is. However, I am open to having someone that I can call on for some companionship.

GR: Companionship? What does that mean in terms of getting to the next step? Pause~ When did the tables turn? "Next steps"? HUH? Play~

Annie P: There are no steps/tips I can give you to tell you how to get to the next step with me. As a matter of fact you don't even know me that well to make such a blanket statement.

GR: I'm a man who knows what he wants.

Of course it didn't end there, but I felt like I was in a boxing match. Whatever...the date ends, he pays and I leave the tip and we walk out.  Here is where the safari begins...

We leave to head to the train and he sees someone he knows. So of course, I drift to the side and let them catch up and get on my phone. While waiting on GR, guess who walks by...ARE YOU READY...SUITOR!

So suitor walks right up on me and pretends to not see GR and come in for the kill (aka hug/kiss combo). Pause~ Any person who is not an OG would have felt caught. However, you cant be caught if there is nothing to catch. This is where confidence and utter coolness becomes not only a tool but a life-saver. Play~ So I pull away and say "Hey [suitor]" and make note that I am with someone. Well he answers and gives me a side-eye as if to let me know that he is not happy. And I immediately tug on GR and say "call you later...we can talk in detail." Now what makes this trifecta kind of a hassle is that I had to explain to GR who suitor was. Not because he thinks I'm dating him, but because suitor's reactions were so compelling that it made him wonder.

Needless to say, after explaining who suitor was GR asked me "to pause on speaking to him." CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS BOLD-FACED MAN?!!? Like sir,! You are not allowed FOUR DAYS IN to make such a demand. At that point of no return, I was at the train station and we definitely were at the end of our first date.

In the end, my love/lesson from this date is that having an open heart can definitely make things different in dating. However, Pause~ You guys know I'm full of caveats. LOL Play~ any man that tries to stop this jam is losing all day everyday!

Jamming as always...
Annie P

1 comment:

  1. lmaooooooooooooooo!! all i can do is laugh! i wish i was a fly during this date!
