Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Go to the mattresses!

Well blog land...today my love is short and sweet...Love: "Go to the mattresses!"

Because I know that some of you are unfamiliar, this quote comes from the movie "The Godfather." At the point in which this quote was stated, Sonny & Clemenza are discussing whether it was time to fly into all out war.
History: It was an Italian custom to temporarily move to an undisclosed apartment and borrow mattresses for soldiers (or mobsters) to sleep on while protecting the vacated apartment from possible attack. "Go to the mattresses" was a reference for preparing for the move.

Pause ~ Many do not know but I love love love movies! However, "The Godfather" is not my modern day "hood Bible" Play~

So I know you are wondering why I have taken this dramatic turn in just 24 hours. Well readers, in the past week or so there have been a great deal of new things in my life. New job, new suitor, new plans for the future, new business deals, etc and recently I had been presented with a woman we will call "She-hater." Let me describe "She-hater" to you. She is slightly older than me, educated but a woman who seeks vindication through the approval of others. (As you can tell we are not bffs). Pause~ I know you must be thinking "Annie P is a hypocrite! Based on the fact that not too long ago, I dedicated a whole post about my love for the female race. However, when presented with someone who always is trying to steal your thunder...one must respond. Play~ So "She-hater" has recently heard about my new successes via the friendship grapevine and called me last night to speak to me and this is how it went.

She-hater: Hi heard about your new job...
Annie P: Hello to you too! How are you? I'm fine. Thanks for calling.
She-hater: [insert sarcasm] Well I guess if you are going to switch jobs that would be the place to go but
                like are you sure you're even built for that?
Annie P: Well I guess everyone cant count sugar packets all day like you dear.
She-hater: I have job security
Annie P: In the supermarket maybe
She-hater: Really [Annie P]?
Annie P: YUP!
She-hater: There you go cant even let this be a pleasant conversation
Annie P: Guess not...woe is me I am a bitter black woman that cant take a compliment. Why did you really
She-hater: To tell you that you should keep looking for a job.
Annie P: Thanks..bye hun!
She-hater: Before you go...
Annie P: Mmhmmm
She-hater: Are you partying this weekend?
Pause~ Funny thing about this alter ego Annie P is that those who HATE MY GUTS still want to know what I'm doing so they can tag along. Play~
Annie P: Not with you..buh-bye!

Now in the end of that conversation it was obvious that I technically "won." But in retrospect, I have come to the conclusion that I need to be a little more protective of myself. The fact is, being a sociable/fun/charasmatic person comes with a lot of hate. (For those of you who know this I know that you are shaking your head in agreement.) Furthermore, what really burns my biscuits is its not just the hate...with that comes rumors as well. Now for those of you who know women, you know that at the end of that conversation started a telephone tree to speak about how "terrible of a friend Annie P is." So as of today, I've decided to "Go to the mattresses!" Hate can no longer surround me! This is insane! Like how much more can a faboosh girl like me take?!!?...NOT A LOT THAT'S HOW MUCH!

So lesson of the day: Severing ties with silly small-minded people will make for better days! Bad seeds 
                                    lead to bad apples which leads to fruit flies!

Successfully yours,
The Faboosh Annie P.

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