Monday, March 28, 2011

The Annie P Weekend

So enough about other people let me tell you all about MY weekend. Something to keep in mind about Ms. Annie P is that no day is ever like the one before. Thankfully I have great company that keeps things mixed up on a regular day to day.

Well the weekend started off with a business meeting and a party with my fellow Angel members. NOW....the goal for that night was to go over the edge in more ways than one. And of course like any challenge all members grabbed the occasion with both hands and went for it! Needless to say, a bottle of Patron and three margaritas later Annie P was swimming in "liquid happiness." Pause~ Drinking with wonderful people will always be my favorite past time. However, I have been drinking for the past 35 days straight. So now Ms. Annie P is on a drinking hiatus. The time has come. Play~ Anyway, we are leaving this party and walking and of course there was a man who we shall call "Ghana Revisited." While in mid stumble...of course I stopped to talk to him. He tells me I'm cute blah blah blah...and then we exchange numbers at the car. Pause~ I HATE meeting people at a party for the following reasons. 1) Its dark so you can not properly assess their appearance (shallow but true). 2) You (the woman) are tipsy/drunk/nice and have your faculties but in my experience "piss poor" man decisions have been made on alcohol. And 3) my "double life" (as suitor likes to call it) can become a problem. Play~

So let me tell you about "Ghana Revisited"...A nice guy who, unlike "Crix" talks A LOT! As a matter of fact, he has A GREAT DEAL TO SAY! I mean I have the gift for gab...but that man didn't let me get in a word in. One thing I did love, is that he is completely dedicated to his son in every way (education, happiness, future, etc.). So we (well he) spoke on Saturday and it was nice. A date has been set and there will be details to come shortly.

Then....on Sunday while going to get a my mani/pedi action on I met this guy we will call "Driver." Now "Driver" is an interesting fellow. Very persistent and very opinionated. He is attractive and has a great deal of wit BUT he is Jamaican. Pause~ I'm from Grenada; therefore, I have no reason to be discriminatory towards any culture. HOWEVER, Jamaicans march by the beat of their own drums...Pointy everywhere. So you should see the hesitation. Play~ So yes, very Jamaican. However, he is an accountant with a small firm and like me his weekend is his weekend. Pause~ One thing to know about me is that I am not afraid to Goggle any man who claims to be in the business atmosphere. If you are with a firm I should be able to find you. Play~ He is one who will be in the shirt and tie all day and then move to his "Mr. Vegas" movement once Friday night hits! Which by all means I respect. In the same suit as "Ghana Revisited" a date has been set and I'm sure there will be something to speak about soon.

So now I have these new men in my dating circle and I have realized that my juggling act has quickly turned into a man circus.
Annie P (the ring leader)

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