Thursday, March 17, 2011

Women....I Tip My Hat To You ALL

On my second post for the day, I have to take time to let you all in on my newest fascination...understanding the females and the society that surrounds them. So recently, due to the restrictions on my work computer have taken to reading a lot of opinion articles from major magazines, newspapers, etc. And the one conclusion I have come to is that Annie P is has so much love for every woman!

In the past couple posts I have brought you up to speed on my "declarations" and "affirmations" for this next phase in life. And precisely in my posts, I have even shed light on my lineage and my lovely friends. However, I'm going to take this post to focus on those who do not nearly get enough credit...WOMEN! There are many women in history, the present, my family that I simply admire; however, as a whole I've come to realize we (women) do not take the time to really be proud and all around amazed at the triumphs that we tackle everyday. For instance, in my current line of employment the ratio of men to women is 15 men to every one woman. That is a powerful statistic! It shows that 1) there are not many women who make it in this environment and 2) those that are here are here because they are DAMN GOOD at what they do. That is amazing to me! And now to be considered one of them lets me FURTHER know that I have arrived!

Moving past that, I want to shine some light to my single mom population. These women.....these women...these women....Hmm..where do I begin? I myself was not raised by a single mom (and I am forever grateful that my dad stuck around); however, I do have phenomenal women around me daily that are single moms. And when I say I am proud...I am PROUD to know them! Its something about watching your family member or friend finish work, come home, help with homework, cook dinner, play games and prep for the next day that makes you go..WOW how the hell does she do it? So I want you all to indulge me for a minute..

My Cousin
Single mom to a teenage boy whose father leaves nothing to be desired AT ALL. She is a successful educator, creator and all around very passionate woman. I have single handily seen this woman take out thousands upon thousands of dollars to make sure her son got the BEST education and attention needed in the school environment. Result: My little cousin is going to one of the best private high schools in the NYC area and is going for FREE!

My Good Good Friend
Single mom, business owner and all around cool person. Has a son with a dad; personally, don't know too much about the dad but what does that say about him. She gets up everyday cooks breakfast, packs lunch, runs her business, cooks AGAIN, chats with me during the day and then....wait...AND THEN does homework with her son,  and sends him to bed. This happens all before 9PM. Result: Student of Month and all around cool kid.

My Coworker
Single mom and lead recruiter at large fortune 500 company. Has a son and a daughter 11 months apart in age. The dad decided he didn't like her and in turn left her and the kids (PUNK). She gets up everyday at 4AM works out, cooks breakfast, prepares lunches, walks them to the bus stop, goes home gets dressed, works full 10 hour days, comes home to check homework, reads bedtime stories, reads the Bible and goes to bed. Result: Successful kids, amazing career and banging body!

My Wife aka Best Friend
Single mom with a a CRAZY baby daddy [Pause~ I hate that term baby daddy but that negro is a straight chump; hence the phrase]. Every morning she gets up, prepares breakfast and lunch, gets her two year old ready, dresses for work, drives 25 minutes to daycare, drives 35 minutes back to work, deals with customers, drives to daycare, drives home, deals with her "family," puts the baby to bed and THEN begins to organize life. Result: Awesome 2 year old son, up and coming career and cool as the other side of the pillow.

When I think about these women, I shudder to think that I actually do shit in the day. Like comparison I don't do a damn thing! Sad to say but most women do more in their day that I do in two or three. Now don't get me wrong, Annie P works and works hard for the money; but, in the grand scheme of things I can only push myself to do more when I see other people do 10 times more than me.

Revelation for the day: Women lets support one another on this journey. For those who are able give a  
                                        piece of advice to another woman that can help her even in the smallest way. 

I am making this solemn promise to also let those women around me know how amazingly special they are to me! Because even though we may not speak everyday it can be something great to just let someone know I love you! You mean a lot to my life."

Well that's all I have to say about that!
Annie P - Up & Coming Woman

P.S. I know this is a photo blog; but I had this post written and couldnt cheat you guys anymore. The photos are coming soon....just cant seem to capture that essence I needed for this post. Soon come...

1 comment:

  1. Awww. this piece was amazing! you are right. We women do not give ourselves nearly half the credit we deserve. We just do what we have to do, what we know is the right thing to do in our hearts. I have so much love to give, so many people more to inspire, so much more of myself to learn about and others and I enjoy doing it. This is what makes us who we are. Fine piece! I LOVE IT!
