Monday, March 21, 2011

When to say when....

Over the weekend I was on the phone with my "suitor" [from post about annoying questions] and we began talking about when to say when in a relationship. Now this is an interesting topic to me because I am usually a straight shooter; but in the world of dating, I am very timid to have conversations like this because what if the answer you give is not appropriate? Or disliked? Or generally not understood?

Well in the midst of the conversation, he actually came to the conclusion that for a man (namely himself) you know its done when there is no more sexual chemistry there. NOW...I did hear this and ask for him to elaborate because I 1) wanted to make sure he wasnt being superficial and 2) he actually knew what he was saying. Well after about one full minute of explanation he was actually very serious. Then of course the question was directed my way. Pause~ My suitor is very aware of this blog. He is also very intrigued that I have a "stage name" that I go by [thats a story for another posting]. He actually joked that he would begin to sensor himself because he knew that random conversations would make it in. However, he was fascinated that I was so open about my new dating life with a "room full of strangers." So I had to educate him on the readership and how active you all are. Play ~ "Annie P when do you say when?" Hmm so readers, I thought and I thought and I thought and the exact answer I gave was "When I cant stand the sight of that stankin Negro."

Now the usual reaction to an Annie P tort such as the last one would bring instant laughter HOWEVER this man def did not feel that answer. Pause ~ do you realize why I do NOT answer questions like this?! Play~  So needless to say that conversation ended on a sour note because 1) I beg NO MAN/WOMAN/CHILD/BEAST/FRIEND/FOE/ANT/PEBBLE to understand me and 2) I just cant give a damn how he felt about my opinions.

However, I do pose this question to you all...When do YOU know when to say when in a relationship? Im intrigued to hear all three opinions (lol).

A Pondering Annie P

1 comment:

  1. When seeing his name on my caller ID, in my inbox or hearing it makes me shake or otherwise feel uncomfortable.
