Thursday, March 17, 2011

Update On Last Post

For those that are interested, I spoke to my suitor last night and answered the question as I should and this is how it went. For the purposes of his annonymity we will call him "suitor."

Suitor: Hi beautiful

Annie P: (giggles) Hi honey

Suitor: How was the end of work?

Annie P: Fine but thats not what I called to talk about.

Suitor: Ok then whats on your mind? Should I be worried?

Pause ~ I dont know why men think that because you have a topic on your mind that they should be "worried." Dude we are NOT together Im calling to set the record straight. ok PLAY~

Annie P: Well I wanted to revisit that question you asked me earlier about why I didnt have someone. And I wanted to let you know that I dont have anyone because my last relationship ended and I have just been exploring the options. Not really looking to be tied down but not ignoring the possibilities of/for love

Suitor: Well I never thought you were weird or not normal. I just wondered why any man who had you faithful would let you go. I have to admit though your answer did make me wonder. But then you told did tell me about how the relationship ended and I got it.

Annie P: Your understanding overwhelmes me! (laughs) Why dont you have a girlfriend?

Suitor: She dumped me for my friend.

Annie P: Well (silence) thats all there is to say about that.

And of course we went on to talk for about 30 more minutes about a date and work and goals and all that junk. But I guess in the end I was shocked and kind of amazed at where the conversation went. He is a "nice" guy and seems to dig me. So we will see where this goes.

So on to the next love....Exploration!

I dont have much to say but to let you all know that I am exploring my next steps. Excited about the possibilites and interested to find out where things will go.

Blissful & Content,
The Dating Annie P

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